There Are Still Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims In Saudi Arabia, A Total Of 2 People Are Being Treated

JAKARTA - There are only two Indonesian pilgrims who are still being treated at the Arab Saud Hospital as of Friday, August 2.

The information is based on the report from the Hajj Affairs Office Team of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Jeddah.

"One patient is still in the ICU, another is in the process of being prepared to be sent back to the country," said Consul for Hajj at the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah Nasrullah Jasam in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 2.

Previously, the operation of the implementation of the 1443 H Hajj had been declared over by the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas on August 18, 2022.

Since it was announced that it was over, there are still eight people being treated at the Saudi Arabian Hospital. Over time, three people have returned to the country, two people have died and were buried in Saudi Arabia, while the rest are still undergoing treatment.

Jemaah whose health condition improves is gradually returned by the Ministry of Religion through the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah. The Ministry of Religion ensures that all maintenance costs are borne by the government.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, August 31, Saudi time, one congregation on behalf of Ageni Kasim Rasidi (63) returned to the country via King Abdul Aziz International Airport, Jeddah, and arrived in Indonesia on Thursday, August 1.

Nasrullah explained that Apari Kasim Rasidi had been being treated at King Abdullah Hospital, Makkah. The congregation of the 7 Embarkation Banjarmasin (BDJ 7) can be taken home after being declared flightworthy.

"The congregation has been declared airworthy along with the issuance of the Medical Information Form (Medif) from authorities in Saudi Arabia. So we took them back to Indonesia lying down," he said.

Nasrullah hopes that Indonesian pilgrims who are still being treated will soon improve and be able to reunite with their respective families.

"Please pray, hopefully Indonesian pilgrims will be healthy soon, can return to the country soon," he said.