Risma Instructs SD And SMP Teachers In Surabaya To Return To School

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) has instructed both educators and non-educators in Elementary Schools (SD) and Junior High Schools (SMP) to start attending school.

This instruction is based on the Surabaya Mayor's circular number: 800/10371 / 436.7.1 / 2020 concerning Work Arrangements in the Office.

Head of the Public Relations Section, Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, said elementary and junior high school teachers in Surabaya will return to school starting today. This is done in preparation for face-to-face school implementation.

"Moreover, yesterday there was also a ministerial decree (Joint Decree) stating that the authority over the implementation of face-to-face schools is returned to their respective regions. That is the first step, namely to include all teachers, both public and private, SD and SMP to carry out learning activities. at school, "said Febri, Monday, November 23.

Previously, educators did work from home (WFH), namely online teaching and learning activities from home. With the entry of elementary and junior high school teachers, this is the first step in preparing to adapt to new habits (AKB).

"For the teachers, when the schools will be verified and assessed by the COVID-19 task force team, as well as the Education Office and Health Service which can be used for face-to-face schools, face-to-face schools will soon be implemented," he said. .

However, for elementary-junior high school teachers or school employees who have comorbidities or comorbidities, the municipal government urges them to continue doing WFH or working from home.

"In the circular issued by the Surabaya City Government regarding all teachers entering, there are limitations. Of course the teachers who have congenital or comorbid diseases will temporarily continue to implement WFH," he said.

Meanwhile, for supervision, Febri said the Education Office had provided a Surabaya Teacher Application Information System (SIAGUS) application page. In this application, all activities both absent and teaching and learning activities of teachers in Surabaya are recorded.

"So everything is monitored, what if he was sick, yesterday he was swabbed and then the results were negative or positive there they also inputted. So it is the teacher's awareness that is very important to achieve face-to-face schools in the city of Surabaya," he explained.

Febri added that in the mayor's circular letter, those who will enter the school starting tomorrow are not only educators. However, non-teacher employees or school employees who do not have comorbidities or comorbidities have also started to enter.

"Of course like that. So everything related to school activities except the students will be adapted to new habits before the students will be included in school," he concluded.