The Head Of KUA Tanah Abang Who Married Princess Rizieq Shihab Was Removed

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion removed Sukana from his position as Head of the Tanah Abang Religious Affairs Office (KUA). Currently, Sukana has been transferred to become a leader in the Central Jakarta area.

"Starting today, Sukana no longer has the mandate of additional duties as the Head of the KUA. Sukana has been transferred to the head of the Ministry of Religion in Central Jakarta," said the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin in his statement, Monday, November 23.

Kamaruddin said, Sukana was transferred based on the results of the investigation by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Religion. As the Head of KUA Tanah Abang, Sukana was considered to have ignored the provisions related to health protocols when carrying out the task of recording the marriage of Muhammad Irfan Alaydrus and Syarifah Najwa Shihab.

The wedding of the daughter of the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab, was held in Petamburan, November 14, 2020. The event, which was combined with the Prophet's birthday, was proven to have violated health protocols due to crowds.

"This decision is in line with the commitment of Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi that the big family of the Ministry of Religion must be strict in carrying out health protocols in order to avoid transmission of Covid-19 in providing services," said Kamaruddin.

Kamaruddin said, the KUA should have known this provision because the implementation of the health protocol is clearly regulated in the Circular of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance of the Ministry of Religion Number: P-006 / DJ.III / Hk.00.7 / 06/2020 dated 10 June 2020 concerning Marriage Services Towards the Community Productive Safe for COVID-19.

"The Ministry of Religion's directives are firm and clear. Negligence in its implementation will definitely be given firm action, because it can endanger many people in that place, and will also endanger children and their families at home when the virus is carried into the house," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Religion had also transferred the Head of the Jombang Ministry of Religion Office through the Decree of the Minister of Religion No 032232 / B.II / 3/2020 dated 26 October. This disciplinary sanction was given after the Head of the Kankemenag Jombang held a wedding party which caused a crowd on October 4, 2020.