Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang Spoke About The Robbery Of His House: We Feel Insecure In Our Own Home!

JAKARTA - Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang spoke about the robbery case that happened to him recently. He said he did not feel safe in his own home.

Aubameyang's house in Castelldefels, near Barcelona, was attacked by four armed robbers. He was also beaten on the chin with an iron rod while trying to protect his wife and two children from robbers.

The four intruders were reported to have entered through the back garden before threatening Aubameyang and his wife, Alysha. They were then handcuffed and tied up in front of their children, Curtys and Pierre.

Alysha was also claimed to have been hit in the head during the incident. They forced Alysha to open a safe full of valuables including jewelry before fleeing with a white Audi A3, according to a police source reported by El Pais.

After being silent, Aubameyang then appeared through uploads on Instagram social media.

"Hi friends, thank you very much for all the messages. On Sunday night, some cruel thieves broke into our house and threatened my family and my children, just to steal some stuff," Aubameyang wrote on her Instagram.

"They injured my jaw, but I will recover in no time and care no one else was physically injured."

"The feeling that we are no longer safe in our own home is difficult to understand and explain, but as a family, we will overcome this and stand stronger than ever before."

The former Arsenal and Borussia Dortmund players again expressed their gratitude for all the support provided for him and his family. "That means a lot to us," said Aubameyang.