In Addition To The Back And Neck Pain, These Are 6 Dangers Too Much Work

YOGYAKARTA Spending a lot of time in front of the screen or sitting in a work chair can be at risk for health. Not only mental health, but also changing all life habits and affecting physical health. A human resource as well as clinical psychologist Randy Simon, Ph.D. says that working 40-50 hours in a week is more than enough for most people.

Remembering the working hours, Simon added as reported by Healthline, Thursday, September 1, can be scamming. Other factors that cause burnout include travel time, out of work responsibilities, work environment, feelings related to appreciation, and work satisfaction. Do you include not being able to enjoy holidays? Be careful with this. Recognize the signs that you spend too much time working and the effect on habits and health.

Working more than 40 hours per week, can encourage a person to find relaxation activities. Unfortunately, not all relaxation activities are healthy for health, such as drinking alcoholic beverages in the number of 'risks'.

Simon's advice to reduce bad choices in relaxation, take the time to rest. For example, use travel time as a break. Avoid accessing screens during travel and enjoy it better by playing music, reading books, or listening to podcasts.

The time spent on the job relates to a decrease in productivity. This means that the more you work, the more unproductive it becomes. This is evidenced in a study conducted at Stanford that working 70 hours a week will not be able to complete more work than his colleagues who work 56 hours per week. Because, according to Simon, workers are not designed to be productive every minute of every day. It is recommended that if there are many tasks that must be completed, make a list of tasks from the most priority to the addition.

The simplest formula, you need to get enough sleep to work effectively. If you are tired, it is difficult to sleep and makes you angry. In addition, it can increase chronic risk, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

According to The Atlantic, the balance of work and rest needs to be accustomed. Work for 52 minutes and rest 17 minutes throughout the day. Rest time can be filled with roads around the workspace, talk to friends, do light stretching.

Working too much has had a negative impact on mental health. One study notes that workers with 11 hours a day can more likely experience depression than those who work 7-8 hours a day.

Even if you do a lot of work, it's important to pay attention to your health. Simon suggests meditation on consciousness or using the meditation app to reduce tensions while at work.

Work stress can release cortisol hormones that make the heart work harder. In turn increases the risk of stroke, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. To stay fit while working, you can keep the body active. For example, do 'table exercise' with mild movement.

In a study in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine, it was found that the more time you worked, the greater the risk of back pain. For women, pain tends to appear in the neck while the man in the lower back. This is a common sign caused by muscle tension.

Have you ever experienced the above signs? That means you need to manage your time so you don't do too much work or take the most effective time possible to reduce bad health risks.