Cinema Demo Sangs SARA At PGC, Head Of Ormas Arrested By Police

JAKARTA - The police have named the head of the Betawi Islamic Movement (GOIB), Andy M Shaleh, as a suspect in the case of placing banners with the element of discrimination against race or ethnicity.

The banner bearing the disgraceful sentence went viral on social media. The banner also reads the words calling for a demonstration regarding the presence of a cinema in the Cililitan Wholesale Center (PGC) shopping center in Cililitan, East Jakarta.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said the 58-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday, January 22, at his residence in the Kramat Jati area, East Jakarta. The arrest was made after collecting several witness statements and evidence at the scene of the incident.

"We have arrested the person concerned after being proven to have fulfilled the criminal element. In addition, this is also to spread the issue of SARA," said Yusri in Jakarta, Thursday, January 23.

In addition, based on the suspect's statement, the banner was installed using the issue of SARA to seek mass assistance during a demonstration on January 17.

Meanwhile, Panit Unit 3 Sub-Directorate Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya AKP Bara Libra Sagita added, another motive for installing the banner was due to disappointment with the management of the shopping center. This is because many local residents have been fired and have reported this to this mass organization.

"Indeed, there is someone who is disappointed because he was stopped from working there. So complain to this (the suspect), what if we do a demo, 'oh well, let me take the lead'," said Bara imitating the suspect's words.

With this complaint, the suspect deliberately made negative issues that smelled insulting towards certain ethnicities.

"The point is that those concerned deliberately create issues like this," said Bara

Thus, for all his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 16 junto Article 4 letter b number 1 RI Law number 40/2006 on racial and ethnic discrimination, and Article 156 of the Criminal Code and Article 55 of the Criminal Code, with the threat of 5 years in prison.