Ganjar Pranowo's Messages In Central Java Scouting In Slawi

JAKARTA - Supervisory Scouts that took place in the courtyard of the Tegal Regency Pendapa, are solemn. Present on that occasion, Head of the Central Java Scout Movement Regional Kwartir Siti Atikoh Ganjar Pranowo, Governor Ganjar Pranowo, Deputy Governor of Taj Yasin Maimoen, Regent of Tegal Umi Azizah, and representatives of Forkopimda.

Governor Ganjar Pranowo encouraged Central Java Scouts to be a strength in in initiating activities in the surrounding environment. These include realizing food security, maintaining environmental cleanliness, anti-drugs, and preventing early marriages.

They have to help their left-hand neighbors so that food security can be done. Let's plant the yard, prepare rice companion plants, we encourage them to be the strength to be able to initiate activities in the surrounding environment. So, while we educate our scout, "said Ganjar, Wednesday, August 31.

In addition to food security, Ganjar advised Central Java Scouts to also participate in many things. Like the anti-drug movement, the Jo Kawin boy movement campaign (don't get married young), and maintain unity.

So today we saw the joy of together and of course I gave the messages. So there are religious values given by Habib Syech and the Ulema Council in Tegal, then there are Deputy Governor (Taj Yasin Maimoen), Regent of Tegal, and Kwarda Central Java. Everyone talks about how we build ukhuwah Islamiyyah, and Scout activities can be good," he said.

Ganjar also invites Central Java Scouts to protect the environment. The trick is to maintain cleanliness and actively plant trees.

"Let's move to plant. Yesterday the Central Java Scouts helped grow mangroves on the north coast so that the environment is maintained, and garbage can be controlled. So it can be ijo royo-royo, clean waste, and a lot of water sources," said Ganjar.

Meanwhile, Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf said, Central Java Scouts are promises that are fulfilled from him and also Ganjar Pranowo. Previously, Central Java Scouts and Central Java Nursing had problems due to the pandemic so that it was held in a limited and online manner. But the Central Java Scout Bersawat in Tegal Regency restarted Central Java Oneawat which was held openly.

"If I used to promise the public to be disciplined in Tegal, tonight I will pay together with the Governor. Central Java Nursing is Pak Ganjar's promise first, and thank God until now it has been kept," he said.

Habib Syech also agreed with Ganjar Pranowo's encouragement, so that Central Java Scouts are more active and creative in their environment. For example, regarding food security, Habii Syech said that he also planted his yard or roof with plants such as chili and vegetables.

I also plant chilies at home. On top of that, I made a garden with polybags and hydroponics. It can be used by the community," he said in front of thousands of Central Java Scouts and the people present.

Habib Syech emphasized how dangerous drugs are which is one of the factors that destroy the nation's generation. So he called for the Central Java Scouts to be at the forefront of the anti-drug movement.Never want or be tempted by drugs. That's the destruction of the nation," he said.