Hong Kong Democracy Activist Joshua Wong Pleads Guilt And May Be Jailed For Five Years

JAKARTA - Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong and two other activists may be jailed. They pleaded guilty to meeting during mass protests last year deemed a violation of the law.

Wong said he might face five years behind bars. The rewards are shorter than the life sentences that China imposed under the new national security law.

The national security law, which came into force in June, rewards life in prison. Joshua Cs was spared a life sentence for alleged violations occurred before China enacted a new national security law.

The prominent activist decided to change his defense after speaking with his lawyer. "The three of us have decided to plead guilty to all charges," Wong told reporters gathered at the court on Monday, November 23. "It's no surprise that I was immediately sent into custody today."

"We will continue to fight for freedom. And now is not the time for us to bow to Beijing and surrender," he added.

Joshua Wong has been involved in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement for many years. The 24-year-old activist was first recognized when he led student ranks in the "Umbrella Movement" in 2013.

Joshua was heard again when he helped support the new wave of protests that rocked the region in 2019. Last year's protests were repeated and led to violent clashes between demonstrators and police.

Beijing has since introduced a comprehensive new security law for Hong Kong with harsh penalties for acts of secession, subversion and collusion with foreign forces. In response, Joshua disbanded the pro-democracy group Demosisto.