The Former Regent Of West Bandung Was Transferred To Sukamiskin Prison Due To COVID-19 Social Assistance Corruption

JAKARTA - Former West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara Sutisna was sent to the Sukamiskin Class I Prison, Bandung. He will serve a five-year sentence for being proven guilty of corruption in the procurement of social assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The execution prosecutor Irman Yuliandri has carried out the decision of the panel of judges at the cassation level which has permanent legal force with the convict Aa Umbara Sutisna," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Wednesday, August 31.

"The execution of the decision is carried out by including the convict in the Sukamiskin Class I Penitentiary to serve a 5-year body sentence minus the period of detention that has been served," he continued.

In addition to corporal punishment, Sutisna is also required to pay a fine of Rp250 million and a replacement money of Rp2.3 billion.

Previously, Aa Umbara and her son Andri Wibawa, and the owner of PT Jagat Dir Gantara M. Totoh Gunawan were suspects in this case. However, Totoh and Andri were declared free from this alleged bribery in the first instance trial.

Aa was found guilty of corruption in accordance with Article 12 letter i and Article 12 letter B of the Anti-Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. This decision is lower than the demands of the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU), which is 7 years.

In this case, Aa Umbara is said to have received Rp1 billion in money during the procurement of social assistance. Meanwhile, the son, Andri Wibawa, who received the procurement project, received a profit of Rp2.7 billion and M. Totoh Gunawan received Rp2 billion.