The Government Has Prepared A 2023 Education Budget Of IDR 608.3 Trillion, Minister Of Finance Sri Mulyani: Commitment 20 Percent Of The State Budget Stays Accompanied

JAKARTA - The government through the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is said to have allocated a 2023 education budget of IDR 608.3 trillion. According to him, the budget is in accordance with the mandate of 20 percent of state spending in the upcoming year's APBN.

"The 2023 education budget of IDR 608.3 trillion illustrates that 20 percent of commitments will be maintained," he said in a meeting with the DPR Banggar on Tuesday, August 30.

The Minister of Finance added that the central government will allocate Rp233.9 trillion, especially for the Smart Indonesia Program to 20.1 million students and Smart Indonesia Cards for 976,800 thousand students. In addition, allowances for the teaching profession for both civil servants and non-civil servants will also still be provided.

Meanwhile, Rp305 trillion which is channeled through transfers to regions is intended to finance school operations for 44.2 million students and for PAUD's operational costs for 6.1 million students.

"We will also continue to provide or allocate educational reserve funds that are included in the financing post," he said.

A total of IDR 69.5 trillion is prepared for education endowment funds including pesantren endowment funds, research endowment funds, college endowments, and cultural endowment funds.

Furthermore, the Minister of Finance also conveyed the direction of the education budget policy for the 2023 period. Some of what are explained include increasing access to education at all levels of education through the expansion of mandatory learning and educational assistance.

Then, improving the quality of infrastructure supporting educational activities, especially in 3T areas, strengthening links and matches with the work market, equitable distribution of the quality of education, and strengthening the quality of PAUD services.