.FEAST Release 3 New Songs To Complete Album Abdi Lara Insani

JAKARTA -.FAST presents three new songs to complete the release of the album Abdi Lara Insani today, Wednesday, August 31. These three songs add to the fictional story created by the band from the start.

The three songs are Criticism Song Again, amended People (Interlude), and Don't Mix. The music video was also released on the same day.

It is known that this album focuses on a fictional character named Ali, a young man who has a dream to change Indonesia. He was willing to voice criticism to officials.

Namun ketika Ali menjadi presiden Indonesia di Earth-03, ia tidak jauh berbeda dengan sosok yang ia kritik. Kisah ini sudah disampaikan.FEAST lewat lagu Gugatan Rakyat Semesta.

The song Criticism Again, timelineally, occurred before a massive demonstration told in the Universal People's Law. In this mental state, Ali has begun to be tired of political maneuvers that he must carry out, explained Baskara as vocalist and songwriter.

"Ali feels that maybe the only way to change is mass movement and the use of violence," he explained.

Not only rock,.FEAST also presents a psychedelic dance feel in its songs. Hearing the song will take you to the '80s era.

Each lyric in this track also describes Ali's story. The first track, Stopping in the Voicemail Box is filled by Vincent Rompies' narrative as the opening story of Ali's figure.

The album Abdi Lara Insani consists of 11 new tracks that can be listened to starting today, Wednesday, August 31 digitally.