In The 2020 Pilkada, The Papua Police Chief Bans Thumbs Up Photo Members

JAKARTA - The Papua Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw reminded police personnel in the Papua Regional Police to maintain neutrality in the simultaneous 2020 regional head elections (Pilkada).

This is in accordance with the telegram letter of the National Police Chief Gen. Pol Idham Azis number STR / 800 / XI / HUK.7.1 / 2020 dated November 20, 2020.

"The National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, issued a secret telegram addressed to all Police personnel. The telegram contains orders to maintain neutrality during the simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) in 2020," said Kapolda Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw as quoted by Antara, Monday, November 23.

One of the orders of the National Police Chief, continued Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw, was to prohibit photos or selfies on social media with a thumbs up or two fingers forming the letter "V" which could potentially be used by certain parties to accuse the National Police of partiality or non-neutrality.

Not only that, according to Inspector General Paulus, Polri personnel are also prohibited from taking photos together with potential regional head candidates, masses and mass of sympathizers.

"The Telegram letter reaffirms the standard rules that all members of the National Police are not allowed to apply. The Police Chief's instruction will not see the position or rank in the democratic party contest," he added.

Regional Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw said this Telegram letter was a re-emphasis on the follow-up of the Chief of Police's order to all Regional Police Chiefs whose territories held simultaneous Pilkada on December 9, 2020 which were imminent.

The Propam Division will monitor by conducting strict tiered surveillance of the behavior of members of the National Police. In addition to orders, this telegram is also a tool for preventing politicization by both members of the National Police and Pilkada participants.

"With the telegram, the Police Propam Division will enforce the law on all members who are trying to play games during the elections. So that whenever there is a violation the Propam Division will be objective," said Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw.

The Papua Police Chief added that until now, the simultaneous regional elections for 2020 in 11 districts of Papua province have been running safely and smoothly.

Regional Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw hopes that the masses and the success team of candidate pairs in each region will be more mature and not do things that can harm themselves or others.

"If you are not satisfied with the results found in each stage of the elections, so that you can take legal channels and do not collect large numbers of people, where currently our country, especially in Papua Province, is still in an atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic," said the Head of Police as quoted by the Head of the PR Kombes AM Kamal in a written statement.

Based on data from 11 districts that carry out simultaneous regional elections in Papua, namely Yahukimo Regency, Merauke Regency, Keerom Regency, Mamberamo Raya Regency, Peg Regency. Bintang, Boven Digoel Regency, Supiori Regency, Nabire Regency, Yalimo Regency, Asmat Regency and Waropen Regency.