Is There A Practice Of Judi Near The Semarang Police Academy Complex? Central Java Police Give An Explanation

SEMARANG The Central Java Police opened their voices regarding social media shows explaining the existence of a gambling stall located near the Police Academy complex (AKPOL) and the Gajahmungkur Police, in Semarang City.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. M Iqbal Alqudusy, said that after the information on the location of the gambling on social media, his party conducted an investigation and checked directly in the field.

"The gambling arena referred to on YouTube and social media was closed 1.5 years ago. The location is also not near the Akpol, but quite far away. The direction of the Jatidiri PLN, a field investigation has been carried out on this matter, and we make sure there are no activities at that location," said Iqbal through his statement in a short message, Tuesday, August 30.

Regarding gambling information in Central Java, Iqbal continued, the Central Java Police contain the widest possible information from both the public and information through social media shows.

He explained that the Central Java Police had also investigated the video footage uploaded by an anonymous account and shared with a public group about the location of gambling in an area called Kompong Dewa/the gambling casino which is said to be located in Semarang.

"We responded quickly to the information and it is known that Kompong Dewa is a resort in Cambodia, not in Semarang," he continued.

Iqbal emphasized that his party asked for the participation of the community to actively provide information on the existence of gambling practices.

Reports on gambling activities, he said, will be addressed and followed up according to applicable regulations.