Blora Police Win An Illegal Solar Carrier Truck With A Capacity Of 24,000 Liters

BLORA - The Criminal Investigation Unit, (Satreskrim) of the Blora Police, Central Java Police managed to secure a tanker truck carrying diesel capacity of 24,000 Liter suspected of being illegal diesel with number L 9683 UO.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Blora Police, AKBP Fahrurozi, through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Blora Police, AKP Supriyono, in a written statement received on Tuesday, August 30.

Accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of the Blora Police AKP Budi Yuwono, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cepu Police Ipda Budi Santoso, and the Head of Unit 3 of the Criminal Investigation Unit Ipda Anshori. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit said the tanker truck vehicle was secured in the new ring road area in the Blora sub-district.

"We managed to secure a truck carrying illegal diesel tanks. Last Friday, (August 26). When secured, the truck with the number L 9683 UO had transferred the diesel to a smaller tanker truck. That is, it was 6.000 liters. For the tanker truck that was secured itself with a capacity of 24,000 liters," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Blora Police.

"We secured it on Lingkar Baru Street, Blora District, Blora Regency," he continued.

The former Jepon Police Chief added that currently his party has managed to secure 1 tanker truck with a capacity of 24,000 liters of subsidized diesel. In addition, 4 witnesses, 1 tank unit, water pump, 1 blue hose and vehicle letter.

"But at this time we are still investigating both BB and cases and conducting investigations. Later we will determine the application of the suspect and the article," he said.

Masih tambah Kasat Reskrim, saat itu, para dugaan pelaku melakukan pengimbagi BBM dari tangki besar ke tangki kecil berkapasitas yang lebih kecil.

"But when we got there, the small tank was no longer there," he concluded.