Waiting For The Attendance Of Rizieq Shihab's Child And Son-in-Law At Polda Metro Jaya

JAKARTA - The police will reschedule an invitation to clarify Syarifah Najwa Shihab and Muhammad Irfan Alaydrus who are Rizieq Shihab's sons and daughters-in-law. They will be asked for information regarding the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) during a wedding ceremony in Petamburan, Central Jakarta some time ago.

The rescheduling of this clarification was in the aftermath of their absence at the first summons, Friday, November 20.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, said that at the first summons, the investigators had not yet received the reason for their absence. In fact, not only them, three other witnesses including the PR of the Islamic Defenders Front initials HA, tenants of the tent initials I, and HA bin A, who is Rizieq Shihab's family, also did not fulfill the request for clarification on the same day.

"Five people were absent and there has been no confirmation," Ramadhan told reporters, Friday, November 20.

Originally, in the invitation for clarification, there were seven witnesses who would be questioned, only two witnesses who fulfilled the invitation, namely the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Syafrin Lupito and the DKI BPBD.

Later, Aziz Yanuar, the attorney for Fornt Pembelas Islam (FPI), said that Najwa Shihab and Irfan Alaydrus did not come because they were busy with other activities.

"There is a need so that they cannot attend the invitation from the police," Aziz told VOI, Saturday, November 21

The investigators considered the statements of the two to be important. This is because the alleged violation of the prokes occurred at the second marriage which took place on November 14.

The form of the alleged violation was because the event attracted a crowd without maintaining a distance. In addition, some of the supporters of Rizieq Shihab who arrived also did not wear masks.

This event was held in a situation where the COVID-19 pandemic was still high, especially since the transmission in Jakarta was one of the highest in Indonesia.

Criminologist from the University of Indonesia (UI) Ferdinand Andi Lolo advised Rizieq Shihab's son and son-in-law to immediately fulfill the invitation. So that from their statement, the police can determine whether there is a violation.

Although referring to the criminal procedural law, the two of them are not required to attend. Because the context of the letter is in the form of an invitation, not a call for examination.

"It is better if invitations are fulfilled to carry out law enforcement duties," he said.

When the husband and wife fulfill the invitation, Fedinand said, they will be asked about the series of events to find a bright spot in the case.

However, if they do not come again, it will not be a big problem either. Later, investigators can examine other witnesses and look for evidence without examining both of them.

"No (not a problem). The police have other sources to collect evidence and evidence and have other methods besides invitations," he said.