103 Cattails Vaccinating Event International Cat Show Held By Anabul.com

JAKARTA - Anabul.com, a cat lover community portal in collaboration with the first Association of Pedigree cats in Asia Feline Fanciers' Federation International, held the Feline Fanciers' Federation International Cat Show at ICE BSD, Saturday, August 28.The event, which was held for the first time by Feline Fanciers' Federation International in Indonesia, was held under the title International Indonesian Pet Expo (IIPE) and was attended by 103 participants from Java and Bali."We felt that the surprise participants reached 103 cats, because initially we thought participants only reached 100 cats. Maybe the enthusiasm of cat fans was high, especially during the pandemic 2 years ago, events like this were rarely held ” said Riri Muhdiyati Founder Anabul.com in an official statement, Tuesday, August 30.Riri added that the competition in collaboration with Feline Fanciers' Federation International was routinely held in several Asian countries, only that Indonesia was only held for the first time. The judges came from Malaysia, Hong Kong Indonesia. The four competition judges include Danny Tai (Hongkong), Ikhsan Maulana (Indonesia), John Chin (Malaysia), and Donny Chong (Malaysia) ” said Riri, who along with three colleagues made the birth of a one-stop shop specifically for cat lovers named Anabul Pet Center in the Kartini Street area, Depok.Interestingly, the race was not only attended by race cats, but also domestic cats. Of the 103 cats, 20 of them are domestic cats who in this competition fall into the domestic category of House Hold Pet."All types of cats can participate in this event, as long as the cat is in good health, not sick, pregnant, free from fungal infections and aphids; he explained.However, even though the competition was held by Feline Fanciers' Federation International, cats certified from other associations may participate. In addition, this competition can also be used as an educational event, so that participants will see winning cats, what kind of character they are in so they can learn.The competition held by Feline Fanciers' Federation International was recognized by Novita S Sumarno from Grooming Specialty, who is used to taking care of cats on a daily basis. Unmitigated, the owner of these 15 cats included 7 cats in this event.According to him, the cat contest in Indonesia has developed in the last 10 years. This is in line with the increasing number of cat fans."In the past, there were still few cat contests. But now it can be said that every 2 weeks there is a show about cats. I personally kept 15 cats at home, but in this event, I brought 7 cats, one of which belonged to Nagita Slavina, wife of Celebrity Raffi Ahmad," he said.According to him, one of the motivations for participating in the competition is to know the condition of the cat that has been being treated so far. In addition, he also wants to know the assessment criteria from Feline Fanciers' Federation International."I am one of those who often participate in competitions, one of which is Larena. I want to know the criteria for the assessment, because each association is different," said the agent of the cat show.Cat Quality in Indonesia is getting betterDanny Tai, a jury from the Hong Kong Federation International Feline Fanciers' Federation International, said the quality of cats in Asia who have a good tree (pedigree) in general and Indonesia in particular is getting better. Therefore, Feline Fanciers' Federation International as the first association of Pedigree cats in Asia to host competitions in Indonesia."The quality and enthusiasm of cat fans in Indonesia is also getting better, therefore we feel the need to maintain the quality of cydigree cats in Indonesia. That's why we hold competitions in Indonesia," said Danny.According to him, the competition was planned to be held two years ago, but due to the pandemic, the competition was postponed and was only held this year. Previously there had been similar shows in Malang and Surabaya."Finally this year, similar competitions will be held again, while next year there will be 4-5 more shows," Danny explained.Danny added that the association felt the need to educate the development and quality of petigree cats in Indonesia, therefore as Asia's first petigree cat association, we want to introduce to the world that the quality of cats in Asia in general and Indonesia in particular is getting better."In the future we will introduce the quality of cats in Asia to countries in Europe and America," he said.Sebagai informasi Feline Fanciers' Federation International saat ini bermemberan beberapa negara. Adapun negara yang terbangung dalam asosia, antara lain Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Jepang, Rusia dan Vietnam.