Photos Of Putri Candrawati Participating In The Reconstruction Of Brigadier J's Murder In Magelang, Wearing White Dress

JAKARTA - Putri Candawathi, wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was also presented by a Bareskrim investigator at the National Police Headquarters who participated in the restructuring of the entire series of murder process of Brigadier J. Putri was seen wearing all white clothes.

Judging from Police TV, Tuesday, August 30, Putri Candrawati finally appeared to the public. When doing the re-enactment, Putri wore all white clothes. Even the masks to the shoes of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife are also the same.

At that time Putri was re-redesigned and asleep in the place described as a sofa.

Bripka Ricky Rizal was seen visiting Putri.

The incident in Magelang was the two-star general celebrating his wedding anniversary with Princess Chandrawathi.

In the murder case of Brigadier J's premeditated murder, the National Police team named Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as a suspect. In fact, he is referred to as the mastermind behind it.

Then there are four other suspects, namely, Bharada Richard totaling, Bripka Ricky Rizal, Strong Maruf, and Putri Candawathi, the wife of Ferdy Sambo as a suspect.

They were charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

From the information collected, the reconstruction of the incident in Magelang was moved to the hall at the house of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. Precisely the house on Jalan Saguling.

The hall was made as similar as possible to Sambo's house in Magelang.