5 The Wife's Rejections To Her Husband's Wanted Are Considered Great Cares, Anything?

YOGYAKARTA - In essence, marriage is one of the worship recommended by the Prophet. In Islam, marriage is something noble and sacred in the eyes of Allah, so it must be carried out as well as possible. Then is there a big sin between the wife and husband?

Islam teaches each of its people to carry out something according to the sharia foundation, including in married life. Don't violate what has been controlled in the Shari'a, let alone to make your own law.

Unfortunately, there are still many wives out there who take their actions for granted against their husbands for granted. Unknowingly that act is a big sin that plunges her into hell. Therefore, it is not surprising that more women become residents of hell than men.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW : I was shown hell, it turns out that most of the occupants are women, because they are mufur. Asked: Are they mufur to Allah? He said: They turn away to their husbands, turn away from goodness. If you do good to someone from them all the time, then he sees only one bad thing from you then he will say: 'I've never seen any kindness from you' - (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).

This time there were several summarizes related to the sins of the wife against her husband according to Islamic teachings so that we avoid the heat of hell.

Against all orders of the husband

In the household, it is imperative for a wife to submit and obey her husband. As long as it is still on a good path and does not violate religious instructions, what husband's words should be obeyed by his wife.

Sabda Rasulullah: Not a woman performs her God's rights, so she fulfills her husband's rights - (HR. Ahmad and Ibnu Majah).

From the hadith above, it can be concluded that women who are as wives should obey their husbands, by hoping for the pleasure of Allah SWT. Denying the wife's instructions is a big sin for the wife.

Don't Accompany Sleep Husband

Husband and wife are always required to always sleep together, as long as the situation and situation are still supporting. In other words, if a wife wants to sleep alone or sleep with her little one, then she should ask permission from her husband.

Tak mendampingi suami tidur bisa membawa Anda terhadap sinan besar. Sebagaimana dari Abu Hurairah RA, Rasulullah SAW berdabda:

"... if a wife overnight sleeps separately from her husband's bed, so the angel performs it until Shubuh."

Rejecting the husband's invitation to have a relationship

In Islamic teachings, Allah SWT has controlled that humans are made in pairs. A woman is destined to marry a man to get offspring.

Two lovebirds who have officially been in the eyes of Allah SWT as husband and wife, are therefore considered halal to have an intimate relationship. A wife who refuses the husband's invitation to have sex means that she (wife) is the same as opening the door to the meaning of Allah SWT to herself.

But it should be remembered that a wife consistently has the right to refuse her husband's invitation if he is sick, nifas, menstruating, or is in anotherudzur. If you are experiencing this, therefore, a wife will be forgiven by Allah SWT and is not guilty.

Difficulting the burden on the husband in the task of earning a living for the family

The main requirement for a husband in the household is to earn a halal living to meet family needs. The sustenance in the world has been well controlled and evenly by Allah SWT, so it's just a matter of how Mama's husband tries to find her.

As a wife, never force to ask for more from your husband. Give up the hard work of your husband while being enough to support your family.

Because actually, the sustenance obtained halal is really large in nature compared to non- halal sustenance. Strengthening the husband's efforts in making a living, including big sins and being forbidden by Allah SWT.

Don't want to take care of a sick husband

Just like the previous explanation, the interests of the husband should take precedence over the interests of others. The need for a wife to guide a husband should be done at any time, wanting to please or sadness.

Therefore, the wife is required to accompany her to treat her husband who is sick. If she refuses to take care of her husband when he is sick, then the wife is tantamount to committing a big sin that is prohibited by Allah SWT.

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