Bobby Nasution 'Attack' The Incumbent With Floods, Potholes And Corruption, Akhyar Nasution Talks Back To Data

MEDAN - Two debates, twice Bobby Nasution appeared with the style of 'attacking' the incumbent who was his competitor in the Medan Pilkada, Akhyar Nasution. At the opening of the Medan Pilkada debate, matters of flooding, potholes and corruption were topics that Bobby Nasution kept on to describe the need for change in Medan City.

"Floods never end, potholes, garbage everywhere. Corruption is never over, "said Bobby Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate, Saturday, November 21.

The son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) described the dilapidation of public services in Medan. Understandably, the challenger Akhyar Nasution is the incumbent. His position is Acting Mayor of Medan, but is currently on leave due to competing in the Medan Regional Election.

"The main task of the government is to guarantee that public services can be good, fast and accurate. Today we can see how public services in the Medan City Government, we can say today's assessment from the public is not good and bad plus the 2019 sickness assessment is exacerbated by the perception of corruption, the perception index of corruption. Of the 12 major cities in Indonesia, Medan is the lowest city, ”said Bobby Nasution, who was compactly wearing a denim jacket with his partner Aulia Rachman during the Medan Pilkada debate.

On the right side of the stage, candidate pair number 1 Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi immediately revealed the 4 years of achievements of Pemko Medan. Akhyar who is also a Democrat cadre mentioned the progress of Medan City.

The towering building that grows in Medan, the life of the Medan people who respect each other to the age of the life expectancy of Medan residents which has increased to 72 years was revealed by Akhyar in the opening of the Medan Pilkada debate.

"This means that the city of Medan continues to grow and develop. Medan City currently has digital services for the community, the service has been standardized to ISO 9001, this is no joke. Many have been done for 4 years, 833 roads, dibetulin, 450 drainage sections fixed. There were 1,170 houses repaired during the house renovation, "said Akhyar.

This is Medan Dude

In the middle of the Medan Pilkada debate, Bobby Nasution, the candidate for mayor number 2 again talked about flooding, potholes, corruption. According to him, this causes the slogan 'This is Medan, Dude', to have a negative connotation.

"(Slogan) This is Medan, Dude, used to have a positive connotation, but today it has become negative because the problems in Medan are not resolved. Floods, potholes, traffic jams, drugs, corruption have made 'This is Medan Dude' negative, "said Bobby Nasution.

The recipe for changing a negative image to a positive one in the slogan 'This is Medan Dude', according to Bobby, has been included in his program with the deputy mayor candidate for Medan Aulia Rachman.

In front of Akhyar-Salman, Bobby then mentioned his flagship program in the Medan Pilkada. There is Medan Tajir, namely Medan without flooding, Medan Shining or clean without drugs, Medan Neat which is investment friendly and Medan Branch which is a beautiful clean Medan without holes.

"If this happens during my leadership, with Bang Aulia, believe me slowly. This negative connotation. Medan Bung will be positive and boast the city of Medan with characteristics that should be the winner in the province or Sumatra," said Bobby.

Illegal Levies

Bobby also quipped the matter of managing population administration in Medan City which still made it difficult for residents. Bobby loudly voiced so that the management of KTPs was made easier, instead of attracting illegal fees that put a burden on Medan residents.

"Bureaucracy reforms how the bureaucracy in Medan is free from corruption. If the bureaucracy is clean from corruption, services in the community can be felt starting from transparency, convenience, speed. This is what the community needs, ”said Bobby Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21.

Bobby Nasution emphasized that public services must side with the community. There are no longer illegal levies.

'How do you take care of your KTP, take care of your KK, take care of your birth certificate, don't be told to pay. How can people who are less fortunate and cannot get personal data and finally (when) there is a government program for assistance, those who are not recorded do not receive assistance. This is what happens in society that we have been listening to, "said Bobby, who is also President Jokowi's son-in-law.

Akhyar Nasution, who was compactly wearing a white shirt with Salman Alfarisi, responded. Akhyar emphasized that the current population administration services are already good in Medan City, unlike what Bobby described.

Based on the community satisfaction survey, the public service in Medan City was called Akhyar Nasution in the good category. Akhyar, who is on leave from the position of Plt Mayor of Medan, emphasizes that there are no more charges or quotes in Medan terms.

"Public services in the city of Medan are very good, population administration services have now been delivered to people's homes. There are no longer quotes, public servants are very good, our puskesmas is very active, our posyandu is active in serving the community, we will improve it again by preparing RS type C in Labuhan, "said Akhyar in the Medan Pilkada debate.

Rooftop Garden Can Prevent Flood, Agree?

Akhyar Nasution has an innovation to prevent flooding, whose problem is always alluded to by Jokowi's son-in-law, Bobby Nasution. Akhyar wants to make a roof garden or rooftop garden in Medan City buildings.

"So the explanation will be that on top of our buildings, we will raise the land into a garden. "When it rains, the land will hold water so that it does not immediately fall into the ditch, drainage because its function is to hold water," said Akhyar Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21.

According to Akhyar Nasution, a roof garden or rooftop garden is water retention from rainfall. Its function is to queue up the flow of water into the drainage or ditch.

"It is a retention for queuing water (so that) it does not immediately enter the ditch so that the limited volume of the trench can cover it. So the water from the entrance to the ditch first he flows, after an hour or two later the water (which is) held back by the rooftop garden then comes down. So that it doesn't overflow into a flood, ”said Akhyar who is paired with Salman Alfarisi in the Medan Regional Election.

According to Akhyar, rooftop gardens are very potential because Medan has many multi-storey buildings. The rooftop garden is also called as well as adding to the green open space.

"I have practiced it in my own house then at Millenium Plaza, this is a green city that we build together," said Akhyar Nasution.

In a separate session, the deputy mayor of Medan, Aulia Rachman, complained about flooding in her northern village of Medan.

"A trash can, a place where it was flooded but never paid attention to, is my obligation to change my village in North Medan. We will change it with a good system for handling good waste from homes to temporary garbage collection sites, ”said Aulia Rachman.

This Gerindra cadre also emphasized the importance of cleaning drainage as a water channel. According to him, the budget for flood prevention by cleaning drainage exists but its implementation is ineffective.

"This is a problem in Medan. We will pay attention to the drainage of the sediment. The budget already exists but sediment cleaning is ineffective in Medan City, this is a big corruption step. Be careful going forward, an open bureaucracy has made eyes for Medan residents to monitor Medan's budget in order to avoid corruption, "said Aulia, who was also a member of the Medan DPRD.

Back again to Akhyar's explanation about the rooftop garden. This concept was questioned by Bobby Nasution. According to him, the rooftop garden does not function to prevent flooding, but it is suitable for reducing pollution.

"About flooding (with) a rooftop (garden), (if) We focus on drainage, first cleaning up the sediment." Not just talking rooftops, flying gardens in principle reduce pollution, not flooding. If the absorption is more to biopores. Our opinion is rooftop (garden) for pollution, not flooding, ”said Bobby Nasution.

Akhyar Nasution responded to Bobby's response. According to Akhyar, the rooftop garden functions to prevent flooding.

"So the rooftop, the drainage continues to function, it flows (water). A temporary retaining rooftop queues for water, this is a new innovation that we will play with to reduce the potential for flooding, "said Akhyar.

The two Medan Pilkada debates are certainly a reference for Medan residents to know the concepts and programs of the two mayor-vice mayor candidate pairs. So a Medan child, have you made your choice?