6 Cases Of Subsidized Fuel Abuse, North Maluku Police Make Sure There Are No Police Ranks

MALUT - Regional Police (Polda), North Maluku (Malut) managed to uncover six cases of misuse of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) spread across four district/city police in the North Maluku region.

"In handling the six cases of subsidized fuel abuse at the four Polres, 11 perpetrators were arrested," said Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Kombes Pol Michael Irwan Thamsil in Ternate, quoted from Antara, Monday, August 29.

He stated that of the four Polres handling cases of misuse of BBM subsidy at the Ternate Police, two cases, Central Halmahera (Halteng) two cases, South Halmahera (Halsel) one case, Tikp Police one case with 11 suspects, namely Ternate Police, three perpetrators, initials NP (27 years old), YW (48 years old) and AP (31 years old), Central Halteng two MM (28 years and ABL (22 years old), Halsel four people namely RL, S, J (46 years old) and YH (30 years old) while the Sula Islands Police have two initials S and U.

Irwan said that in handling the case of misuse of subsidy fuel, the police managed to secure a tank with 12,000 liters of diesel fuel and 12 tons of PT BB Posi-Posi area in South Halaler Regency.

In addition, there are 1,250 liters of subsidized fuel of kerosene filled in 50 jerry cans, 750 liters of subsidy fuel pertalite filled in 30 jerry cans, 5,000 liter dexlite type fuel, one red tank car with number DG 8140 KU, one white Calya vehicle with Nopol DW 1650 LQ, white pick-up car Nopol DG 8273 KC.

In this case, investigators ensnared the perpetrators with articles that were violated by Article 53 of Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning oil and gas.

Meanwhile, Ternate Police Chief AKBP Andik Purnomo Sigit when contacted stated that his party had deployed personnel to monitor and succeeded in uncovering allegations of misuse of 150 liters of subsidized fuel with three perpetrators and the Ternate Police would strengthen supervision of the distribution of subsidized fuel.

In the misuse of subsidized fuel, until now no police officers have been found involved or charging. However, if later found, strict action will be taken in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

"For now, it has not been found that there are members who are backing the distribution of subsidized fuel and if it is found, of course, in accordance with the commitment of the Regional Police Chief, strict action will be taken directly or indirectly against activities in the jurisdiction of the North Maluku Police," he said.