Becomes The Suspect Of Embezzling Rizky Febian's Assets, Teddy Pardiyana Shocked And Deliberate

JAKARTA - Lina Jubaedah's ex-husband, Teddy Pardiyana, has been named a suspect. This is related to Rizky Febian's report regarding the alleged embezzlement of assets by Teddy.

"Yesterday I was surprised, at first I intended to pay off the debt of the deceased, but the good intentions were considered bad," Wati said, launching Celeb Oncam News.

"If the flashback is, he regrets selling a car to pay off the debt if it backfires on him," he explained.

Wati Tresnawati as Teddy's attorney said the client had undergone an examination. He received 15 questions about a car called a child asset.

"When the deceased died, Teddy sold an Innova car to pay the deceased's debt of Rp. 115 million," he said.

Mr. Teddy's position is the heir. When the heir leaves the heirs, namely husband, children and parents," explained Wati.

Furthermore, Wati claims that only the car is proven while the boarding houses are referred to as Teddy Pardiyana.

The determination of the heirs should not be a term that immediately reports embezzlement. The legal standing is not yet clear," said Wati Tresnawati.

Rizky Febian reported Teddy Pardiyana for the ownership of Lina Jubaedah's assets. Some of the assets consist of Rp5 billion in cash, a boarding house worth Rp2 billion and a car.

Teddy admitted that he would return the assets, but because it did not happen, Rizky chose to report it to the authorities. Teddy Pardiyana was named a suspect on August 22, 2022, after the report was made in June 2021.