Without The Kupang Police Chief Reminder, The Police Are Strictly Forbidden To Be Involved In Gambling

JAKARTA - Kupang City Police Chief Kombes Rishian Krisna B reminded his members not to get involved in gambling. Or even to become a bookie because it will be dealt with firmly.

"As the Chief of Police, I always remind them as well as give emphasis and warning to my members," said Kombes Rishian, Monday, August 29, quoted from Antara.

This was conveyed in relation to efforts to prevent members of the National Police in the jurisdiction of the Kupang City Police from being involved in gambling cases.

He said, with emphasis and warnings to members of the Kupang City Police, and if there are still found violations, he said, they will definitely be dealt with.

"I will take action in accordance with the applicable law and firmly," said the man who once served as the Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police.

The firm action given, he said, was part of the consequences obtained by members of the Kupang City Police for not heeding orders and appeals from superiors.

According to him, strict law enforcement must be applied in eradicating gambling cases in Kupang City, not only for the community but also for the members of the Police involved.

"Hopefully we members of the National Police can realize this and not be involved in the network," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the NTT Police, Inspector General of Police Setyo Budiyanto himself also when met separately said that to dismantle a gambling case, it took the cooperation of all parties.

"So not only the police, but also all the people in NTT," he said.

If anyone is involved, the two-star commander added, the public can report it to the police so that further action can be taken.

He guarantees that the name or identity of the reporter will be safe and confidential to prevent unwanted things in the future.