Tantri Boxes To Melly Goeslaw Become IndiHome Judges Everything Can Change Cover Song Competition

JAKARTA - In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, IndiHome continues to strive to raise the enthusiasm and potential of the Indonesian people, especially in terms of music, through Everything Can Change Forward The Cover Song Competition which has been held since September 28, 2020.

VP Marketing Management of Telkom's Consumer Service Directorate E. Kurniawan said, IndiHome held this competition in collaboration with one of the Indonesian divas, Melly Goeslaw. This competition was very well received by the public as seen from the number of participants as many as 1,207 solo singers and groups from Sabang to Merauke.

"All participants are selected through elimination and semifinal stages as well as assessment and direct selection by professional judges such as Melly Goeslaw, Tantri Kotak and Ari Tulang. Now the competition for the competition is getting tighter with the selection of the ten best participants in the grand final stage who will fight for first, second place winners. and three at IndiHome. Everything Can Change Forward Cover Song Competition, "he said in a virtual press conference, Sunday, November 22.

A total of 10 participants who qualified for the grand final stage were Sarah Suhada (Jakarta), Muhammad Adhytia Navis (Yogyakarta), Lodewk Hahury (Maluku), Nadia Herawati (Bogor), Patricia Agustin (Jakarta), Iva Andina Putri (Jakarta), Farrel Ananda. Junior (Cimahi), D'ABC (Jakarta), We Entertainment (Bekasi) and Jad n Sugy (Makassar).

Before the participants appear before the jury at the grand final stage, the ten best participants from various regions will be invited to Jakarta to undergo a 2-day quarantine process, where participants will get vocal and music coaching from a professional team. The grand final stage will be broadcast through the IndiHome YouTube channel on November 28, 2020 at 20.00 WIB.

"The first winner of IndiHome Can Change Forward. Cover Song Competition has the opportunity to appear in a duet in the video clip, Everything Can Change Forward with Melly Goeslaw and get Rp15 million in cash," he said.

Singer Melly Goeslaw. (Photo: Instagram @melly_goeslaw)

Meanwhile, the second winner, he said, will get cash worth IDR 10 million and the third winner will get IDR 7 million cash. In addition, there is also the winner of the coach's favorite solo version who has the opportunity to get cash worth IDR 5 million and the group version worth IDR 7.5 million.

"IndiHome Everything Can Change Forward. The Cover Song Competition is a form of concrete evidence in increasing the creativity and enthusiasm of the community during a pandemic, especially for those who are interested and have potential in the field of sound arts both solo and in groups. We hope that this competition will also give birth to the new singers who will color the music industry in Indonesia, "said E. Kurniawan.