Sri Mulyani Describes Graduation Without Parents, Compared To The Graduation Procession In The Middle Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, invited all college graduates who had to graduate with an unusual procession to share stories. Sri Mulyani admitted that she also had an unusual graduation.

On her personal Facebook, Sri Mulyani said that in August 1986, when she graduated with a Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, her parents could not attend.

"They are carrying out the pilgrimage in the holy land of Mecca. Of course it makes graduation happiness imperfect. Even so, I was lucky to be able to take a photo with the Minister of Education, Fuad Hasan at that time," wrote Sri Mulyani.

At the second graduation, when Sri Mulyani completed her doctoral program (S3) in economics from the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign United States (US) in 1992, Sri Mulyani's parents did not come again. Cost is an obstacle. As a result, only her husband and daughter attended the graduation.

Sri Mulyani with her husband and daughter (Facebook / Sri Mulyani Indrawati

Sri Mulyani admitted that she was aware of the current conditions. He even said that COVID-19 was forced to make the moment of graduation, which should be the peak of happiness for students and families, less perfect.

However, Sri Mulyani encouraged the graduates to stay enthusiastic, not be emotional with an unusual graduation in the midst of a pandemic. Sri Mulyani even invited students to share their graduation experiences.

"In life, we often don't get the things we want. But we always have a choice. Want to dissolve in disappointment and continue to be unable to be grateful. Or stay positive and grateful, and continue to live life sincerely and patiently."

"Tell us the moment of your graduation, to inspire others," said Sri Mulyani.