It Was Determined, Karawang Is Still The Area With The Highest Minimum Wage In The Coming 2021

JAKARTA - The West Java Provincial Government issued Governor Decree No. 561 / Kep.774-Yanbangsos / 2020 concerning District / City Minimum Wages in West Java Province in 2021. Karawang Regency is the highest.

West Java Regional Secretary (Sekda) Setiawan Wangsaatmaja in Bandung on Sunday explained that the Governor's Decree had been signed by Governor Ridwan Kamil on Saturday, November 21 and took effect on January 1, 2021.

Karawang Regency still has the highest wage in West Java as well as nationally with a figure of IDR 4,798,312.00 (IDR 4,594,324.54 in 2020). Meanwhile, Banjar City is still at the lowest figure, namely Rp1,831,884.83 (the same as UMK 2020).

Regarding the global COVID-19 pandemic, Secretary Setiawan Wangsaatmaja explained that 10 districts / cities in West Java did not increase their UMK according to the Minister of Manpower Circular Number / 11 / HK.04 / X / 2020 concerning the Determination of the Minimum Wage for 2021 during the COVID-19 Pandemic. -19.

"The rest, there are 17 districts / cities where there is an increase (UMK) and that is also based on inflation and the Economic Growth Rate (LPE) both nationally, province and regency / city," said Setiawan, Sunday, November 22.

Setiawan added, the determination of the West Java UMK in 2021 takes into account four things. First, the Circular (SE) of the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Number / 11 / HK.04 / X / 2020 concerning the Determination of the Minimum Wage in 2021 during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Second, the recommendation of regents / mayors in West Java regarding the determination of UMK in West Java in 2021. "We (West Java Regional Government) really appreciate what is being proposed, especially the recommendation of 27 districts / cities regarding the amount of minimum wage in 2021," he said.

Third, the Minutes of the West Java Province Wage Council regarding the Recommendation for Determining the UMK in West Java in 2021. Fourth, the letter of the Chairperson of the West Java Provincial Wage Council Number 561/56 / XI / Depeprov dated November 20, 2020.

"(The letter) is about suggestions and considerations for determining the district / city minimum wage in 2021," said Setiawan.

In addition, he stated, the West Java Provincial Government saw and studied the reasons for the regencies / cities that submitted their recommendations. The West Java Provincial Government also appreciates and respects the reasons 17 regions have increased the UMK.

"There are 17 who have experienced an increase (UMK 2021), including Bodebek. In principle, the increase is due more to the consideration of the inflation rate and the rate of economic growth," said Setiawan.

"Once again, we see that it still looks normal and is adjusted to developments in the region," he said.

Setiawan also hopes that the West Java Governor's Decree regarding the West Java UMK in 2021 which has been carefully considered can be accepted by all related parties.

"I appreciate the regency / city government as well as trade unions and entrepreneurs, I hope this can be well received," he said.

As for the 10 regions that did not increase their UMK in 2021, Setiawan explained, they were given the opportunity to evaluate the inflation and LPE conditions in the first semester (six months) aka in the first quarter of 2021 and the second quarter of 2021.

"Therefore, it is possible that currently the UMK will not increase and along with our economic recovery, (later) there will be improvements," said Setiawan.

In detail, 17 areas in West Java that have experienced an increase in UMK in 2021 are Karawang, Bekasi, Bogor, Purwakarta, West Bandung, Sumedang, Bandung, Sukabumi, Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, Majalengka, as well as the cities of Bekasi, Depok, Bandung, Cimahi and Cirebon.

Ten regions that do not increase the UMK in 2021 are Cianjur, Tasikmalaya, Garut, Kuningan, Ciamis, and Pangandaran districts, as well as the cities of Bogor, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya and Banjar.

The following is a complete list of MSEs in 2021 in all districts / cities in West Java (highest-lowest):

1. Karawang Regency IDR 4,798,312.00 (increase)

2. Bekasi City Rp4,782,935.64 (increase)

3. Bekasi Regency IDR 4,791,843.90 (increase)

4. Depok City Rp4,339,514.73 (increase)

5. Bogor City Rp4,169,806.58 (fixed)

6. Bogor Regency IDR 4,217,206.00 (increase)

7. Purwakarta Regency Rp4,173,568.61 (increase)

8. Bandung City Rp3,742,276.48 (increase)

9. West Bandung Regency Rp3,248,283.28 (increase)

10. Sumedang Regency Rp3,241,929.67 (increase)

11. Bandung Regency Rp3,241,929.67 (increase)

12. Cimahi City Rp3,241,929.00 (increase)

13. Sukabumi Regency Rp3,125,444.72 (increase)

14. Subang Regency Rp3,064,218.08 (increase)

15. Cianjur Regency Rp. 2,534,798.99 (fixed)

16. Sukabumi City Rp. 2,530,182.63 (fixed)

17. Indramayu Regency Rp2,373,073.46 (increase)

18. City of Tasikmalaya IDR 2,264,093.28 (fixed)

19. Tasikmalaya Regency Rp2,251,787.92 (fixed)

20. City of Cirebon Rp2,271,201.73 (increase)

21. Cirebon Regency Rp2,269,556.75 (increase)

22. Garut Regency Rp1,961,085.70 (fixed)

23. Majalengka Regency Rp. 2,009,000.00 (increase)

24. Kuningan Regency Rp1,882,642.36 (fixed)

25. Ciamis Regency Rp1,880,654.54 (fixed)

26. Pangandaran Regency IDR 1,860,591.33 (fixed)

27. City of Banjar Rp1,831,884.83 (fixed).