Medan Pilkada Debate: Akhyar And Bobby Sarcastically About IDR 30 Trillion In Money, Aulia Menimpali Called Injustice

MEDAN - The Rp30 trillion money affair has become a matter of questioning the candidate for Medan mayor Akhyar Nasution to his competitor Bobby Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate. Akhyar questioned Bobby Naustion's statement regarding Medan's budget of Rp. 30 trillion.

"Paslon number 2 (Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman), two months ago you said there was a budget of IDR 30 trillion in Medan, we don't know 30 trillion. We ask for an explanation, where does the Rp30 trillion figure come from? " asked Akhyar Nasution during the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21.

Bobby Nasution then explained the meaning of his statement saying that the money was Rp. 30 trillion. This amount is called the accumulation of 5 years of mayor-deputy mayor's leadership.

"What I know is that Medan has a budget of more than Rp. 6 trillion in 1 year and the mayor's term is every 5 years. The development is carried out in one period of leadership with a budget of Rp. 30 trillion, "answered Bobby.

Bobby Nasution said that the use of the budget should show development progress. Because of that, Bobby-Aulia wants to make budget transparency if elected in the Medan Pilkada.

"The public knows how much the city of Medan has and where it is used. Infrastructure, parks, education or health, this must be clearly communicated to the public so they know. If the leader does not know what society is like, "said President Jokowi's son-in-law.

On the other side, Akhyar corrected Bobby. Bobby Nasution's data is said to be wrong. Akhyar, who was on leave from the local election from the last position of Plt Mayor of Medan, revealed the realization of the Medan City APBD, namely Rp.4.3 trillion in 2016, Rp.4.4 trillion in 2017, Rp.4.25 trillion in 2018 and Rp5.05 trillion in realization of the 2019 APBD.

"There are still 4 years of total budget of Rp. 18 trillion. So ladies and gentlemen, the city of Medan has budget transparency, just open the website of Pemko Medan, all the budgets are listed. The incorrect data must be corrected, ”said Akhyar in the Medan Pilkada debate.

"Leaders in the city of Medan must submit data, the right thing, not based on assumptions, estimates but by data. As a leader, work with data, ”replied Akhyar quipped Bobby.

Akhyar's statement was responded to by the deputy mayor candidate pair Bobby, Aulia Rachman. According to him, there were many budget leaks from the Medan municipal government. The budget absorption in the sub-district, called Aulia, is at a maximum of 60 percent.

“One of the bad uses of the budget is in the health sector. The salary of nurses for up to 3 months is only recently paid, this is an injustice, nurses in the COVID-19 pandemic they are fighters. Why is their budget like that? If (the system) is open, God willing, we will know, "said Aulia, who was once a member of the Medan DPRD.