Participating In Gowes Independence 2022 In Madiun, Governor Khofifah Builds The National Spirit Of Citizens' Nationalism

MADIUN - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa participated in a cycling activity entitled "Gowes Kemerdekaan 2022" in Madiun City. Through this activity, Khofifah hopes to build the spirit of nationalism of citizens which is the main provision to rise and recover during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The cycling activity which was held on Sunday, August 28 by Bakorwil Madiun, Governor Khofifah departed and rode a bicycle with the regents/mayors. Among them are Madiun Mayor Maidi, Madiun Regent Ahmad Dawami, Ponorogo Regent Sugiri Sancoko, Magetan Regent Suprawoto, Danrem 081 Dhirotsaha Jaya, Danlanud Iswahjudi, and the East Java Provincial Government OPD Head.

Governor Khofifah said Gowes Kemerdekaan is part of an effort to build synergy of various parties in building the spirit of nationalism. In August, which is closely related to the month of independence, he referred to as the right momentum to continue to foster nationalism in all lines, elements, and across regions.

"At the end of August, we are still together to build the spirit of nationalism. Let's maximize the spirit of nationalism for all lines and elements, even across regions," Khofifah said at the Gowes Kemerdekaan event, quoted by Antara.

Every element he asked to build a format according to local wisdom, so that as much as possible all of them can become collectors and bodyguards from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition to strengthening the spirit of nationalism, going through Gowes Kemerdekaan also involves the participation of MSMEs which are expected to coincide with efforts to accelerate economic recovery. Thus, MSMEs can continue to be the backbone of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) in the regions.

"The MSMEs this time also go hand in hand with the independence industry. According to the theme of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, it will be faster, Rise stronger, MSMEs will still be the backbone of the regional GRDP. Even MSMEs contribute 57.81 percent to East Java's PDRB," said Khofifah.

The continued massive economic recovery efforts are also said to be in line with the direction of the central government to respond to various crises that are being faced by the world.

"When the world is facing three food, energy, and financial crises, we build enthusiasm and optimism so that it recovers faster, and it will rise stronger," he said.

Gowes Independence is carried out by traveling 15 kilometers, passing the start route in front of the Madiun Bakorwil Office Jl. Hero - Jl. Cokroaminoto - Jl. Musi - Jl. Trunojoyo - Jl. Soekarno Hatta - Jl. Captain Tendean - Jl. Tanjung Raya - Jl. Setia Budi - Jl. Diponegoro - Jl. Sumatra and finished again on Jl. Hero. The activity was attended by around 5,000 participants from the Madiun Raya (ex-Madiun Residency) area.

On the sidelines of the MSME bazaar, Governor Khofifah mingled with residents and lined up for the rice pecel Pincuk typical of Madiun. Far from the luxurious impression, the first female governor in East Java was so enjoying traditional dishes while watching the excitement of Gowes Kemerdekaan 2022.

Various surprise prizes and competition prizes were also prepared in this activity, namely motorcycles, electric bicycles, Coffee machines, MTB bicycles, refrigerators, TVs, and other interesting prizes. The 2022 Independence ride was also enlivened by various MSME Bazars from the people of Madiun Raya and the provision of vaccinations to 200 people.