Konawe Police Fail To Smuggle 120 LPG Gas Tubes 3 Kg: Want To Send To Morowali, Buy Rp23,000 Per Tube Will Selled Rp40,000

KENDARI - Specific Crimes (Tipidter) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Konawe Police, Southeast Sulawesi, foiled an attempt to smuggle hundreds of 3 kg LPG subsidy gas cylinders to Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.

Kasat Reskrim Polres Konawe AKP Moch Jacub Nursgli Kamaru said his party secured a pickup truck carrying 120 3 kg LPG gas cylinders while on patrol.

"This gas cylinder was loaded in a pick-up car driven by a man with the initials DI. The car was secured on Thursday, August 25, 2022, at around 11.00 WITA on Poros Street, Pondidaha Village, Pondidaha District, Konawe Regency," he said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 28.

The disclosure of the smuggling of hundreds of subsidized gas cylinders began with a public report about the abuse of LPG gas transportation or trading.

To the police, the driver admitted to obtaining LPG gas cylinders from stalls located in East Kolaka Regency at a purchase price of Rp. 23,000 per tube. Then the tube will be sold back to Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province at a price of Rp. 40,000 per tube.

Now the pickup truck and the driver with the initials DI and 120 LPG gas taboos 3 kg have been secured at the Konawe Police Office for further investigation.

"From the explanation of DI, the 3 kg LPG gas will be sold to people in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, with a profit of Rp. 17,000 per tube," he said.