Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Ensures That No Indonesian Citizen Is Injured In The Shooting Incident In Wisconsin

JAKARTA - The shooting incident took place at a mall in the state of Wisconsin, United States (US). As a result, eight people were injured in the incident.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that there were no Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were victims or affected by the shooting that took place at the Mayfair Mall, last Friday.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) Washington and the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Chicago, has followed the development of the shooting that took place at Mayfair Mall, Wisconsin, USA which caused injuries," said the Foreign Ministry in a written statement on Saturday. , 21 November.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ensured that so far no Indonesian citizen has been victimized or affected by the attack, and has expressed deep sorrow and sympathy for the victims and their families.

In the records of the Indonesian Consulate General in Chicago, there are currently 11,897 Indonesian citizens living in the Midwest of the United States, 877 of whom live in the State of Wisconsin.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Consulate General in Chigago will continue to monitor developments in the situation and communicate with local authorities to ensure the safety and security of Indonesian citizens," said the Foreign Ministry.

All Indonesian citizens are advised to continue to be vigilant. If you need assistance, you can contact the KJRI Chicago hotline at + 1-312-920-1880.

According to an earlier Reuters report, a suspect was under search by local authorities following a shooting incident at a shopping center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Friday, which resulted in seven adults and one teenager being rushed to hospital.

Local police described the suspect as a white male and aged around 20 or 30 years.