Heavy Rain Causes Landslides On Four Roads In Simalungun

JAKARTA - Four roads in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra, were covered by landslides. This was due to heavy rains that occurred from Friday afternoon until evening.

Secretary of BPBD Simalungun Manaor Silalahi in Simalungun, Saturday, said the landslide point was in the Pematangsiantar-Tanah Jawa route on the Tongguran River Bridge, and the Pematangsiantar - Parapat route in front of SD Plus Tiga Balata, Jorlang Hataran.

The two roads are under the authority of the North Sumatra Provincial Government and the National Road Center.

"The worst landslide occurred in Tanah Jawa Subdistrict, where the road segment cannot be passed by two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles," he said.

Two other roads are under the authority of the Simalungun Regency Government, namely in Raya Kahean District, the border of Nagori Bangun Raya - Sindar Raya Village, and in Dolok Panribuan District.

His party together with elements of the local sub-district apparatus, the police and the TNI are trying to handle it as soon as possible so that residents' activities are not disturbed and road users are comfortable and safe driving.