Knowing The Taekwondo Belt Level, Each Color Has A Deep Meaning

YOGYAKARTA - Taekwondo is one of the most popular martial arts sports in Indonesia. This Korean martial arts is followed by various circles, from children to adults. In taekwondo there is a different belt level from colors. What are the levels of taekwondo belts?

The division of levels in taekwondo itself is to differentiate the skill and technique mastered by taekwondoin. its distribution of the beginner taekwondoin or the lowest technique, to takwondoin with the highest expertise. Each level of taekwondo belt color has its own meaning or philosophy.

So what are the levels of taekwondo belt, the colors of the belt, to the philosophy?

The lowest level in taekwondo wears a white belt for beginners (Geup 10). Then the darker the taekwondo belt, the higher the level. The highest level is the black belt with 8 white strips (Dan IX).

The white belt is the basic level or beginner in Taekwondo. The white belt has the meaning of purity, which means the beginning or basis of all colors.

The taekwondoins who have just learned basic techniques will wear white belts. In international taekwondo, white belts are called the Geup level 10.

After taekwondoin graduated from the white belt, the next level is the plain yellow belt (Geup 9). The yellow belt has the meaning of the earth, which means as a place to plant the bases of taekwondo.

Then when it goes up to the next level, taekwondoin will change to wearing a green strip yellow belt (Geup 8).

The next level in taekwondo is a plain green belt (Geup 7). The green belt has the meaning of trees, which means the period of growth or development of basic techniques in taekwondoin.

At the taekwondoin level, one of which will be studied by learning how to win 2. When it is about to level up, taekwondoin will wear a blue strip green belt (Geup 6).

The next level is the plain blue belt (Geup 6). The blue belt has the meaning of the sky, which means it stretches out wide and does not exceed the height. This level is also taekwondoin which continues to grow.

Taekwondoin, which is at the level of the blue belt, has stable strength, both physically and mentally. Then when it will change to the next level, taekwondoin will first wear a red strip blue belt (Geup 4).

The next level is plain red belt (Geup 3). Plain red belt has the meaning of a shining sun. At this level a taekwondoin learns to start learning to control his strength so as not to harm others.

His technical, scientific, and physical abilities taekwondoin continue to improve, but must be able to control it. Then when turning to the next level, taekwondoin must first wear a red belt with one black strip (Geup 2). After that it will increase again to the red belt with two black strips (Geup 1).

Black belt is the highest level in taekwondo. Black belt has the meaning of shadows staring at the sun. This level represents the peak of expertise, which means a taekwondo has, depth, readiness to practice techniques.

At this level, a taekwondoin is easy to control and always think about transmitting kindness, as well as creating a next generation of taekwondoin. When you are wearing a black belt, a taekwondoin is no longer called Geup, but changes by DI.

DAN in taekwondo consists of several levels which are represented by the number of white strips on black belts. The following is the distribution of DI levels:

Taekwondoin yang sudah di tingkat DI I sampai DAN V disebut sebagai Master atau Yudanja. Untuk tingkat DI VI sampai DAN IX disebut Grand Master atau Kudanja. Setelah DAN IX masih ada level DIX.

The title DAN in taekwondo is not in the form of a taekwondo belt, but in the form of a certificate. Certificate AND issued by the Kukkiwon organization. Kukiwon only provides Dan X certificates to people who have a very large contribution to the development of taekwondo in the world.

That was an explanation regarding the level of taekwondo belt. If you just want to take part in taekwondo martial arts, you will wear a plain white belt. The level after level of the belt you will get depends on how you develop to learn taekwondo.

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