All Schools Can Enter By 2021, KPAI: Government Of The Center As A Hand In Hand

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) assesses that the central government seems to have lost its responsibility regarding the decision to open schools or face-to-face learning in January 2021. This is because all permits on this matter are submitted to the Regional Government (Pemda).

"Submitting to the regional government without mapping the regions and schools that can be categorized as ready and not ready, I think it is a form of responsibility," said KPAI Commissioner, Retno Listyarti in his statement, Saturday, November 21.

Rento said that in handling this problem, the central government would better make a decision to cooperate with the local government. So, if later there are new problems behind the implementation of the decision, it can be resolved properly.

Although the basis for handing over responsibility to the Regional Government is due to better knowing the ins and outs of the region regarding the spread of COVID-19.

"It should not be up to the local government, but to build a well-planned information, communication, coordination and complaint system," he said.

"So that the central government and local governments can work together to prepare to open schools with infrastructure and health protocols / SOPs for the Adaptation of New Habits (IMR) in schools," he continued.

Retno explained the survey data from 48 schools in 8 provinces from 15 June to 19 November. As a result, only 2 schools were deemed ready to implement face-to-face teaching and learning.

"KPAI values are very ready to conduct face-to-face learning, namely SMKN 11 Bandung City and SMPN 4 Solo City," he said.

Meanwhile, the rest still need improvement in the implementation of health protocols and New Habit Adaptation (IMR) standards. So, with so many schools that are not ready, it is advisable to postpone the opening of schools in 2021.

"If the region is not ready, then postpone opening schools, even though the area is a green zone," he said.

Previously, Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim allowed local governments to open schools or carry out face-to-face learning activities starting January 2021. The opening of these schools was no longer based on zoning for the spread of COVID-19 as he had previously conveyed.

With the time lag for face-to-face learning, Nadiem hopes that local governments and schools can prepare themselves.

"If you want to meet face to face, you must immediately increase your readiness to implement this from now until the end of the year," said Nadiem.

Furthermore, Nadiem explained that the decision to open schools would be taken by three interested parties, namely the local government, regional offices (Kanwil) and parents through the school committee. Even though face-to-face learning is carried out, parents can determine whether their children attend school or not. Given that face-to-face learning is only allowed, not compulsory for all students.

"So, even if the school is opened, I have to emphasize again, that parents can still not allow their children to do face-to-face learning. Even though the school is open, the final decision is still with the parents," he said.