AGO Confiscates Duta Palma Group's Assets In Jambi

JAMBI - The Investigation Team of the Directorate of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) confiscated assets related to the suspect SD (Surya Darmadi) in the form of a plot of land and a building located in Batang Hari Regency, Jambi.

The Head of the AGO Legal Information Center, Ketut Sumedana, explained that according to the Building Use Rights (HGU) No. 8, an area of 1,002 hectares, which is a plantation owned by PT Delimuda Perkasa Big Office (Kebun Sei Rengas), is suspected of being affiliated with PT. Duta Palma Group in Batang Hari Regency.

"Today the Jampidsus investigation team confiscated assets in the case of PT Duta Palma Group in Tebing Tinggi Village, Maro Sebu Ulu District, Batang Hari Regency, Jambi Province, where the confiscation was carried out based on a court order," he said. August,.

The confiscation of the plantation land assets covering an area of 1,002 hectares was after the decision of the chairman of the Corruption Court at the Jambi District Court Number: 6/Pen.Pid.Sus-TPK/2022/HK dated August 24, 2022 and the Confiscation Order for the Director of Investigation Number Print 160/F .2/Fd/07/2022 dated 20 July 2022 in conjunction with Print-233/F.2/Fd/07/2022 dated 24 August 2022.

After the confiscation is carried out, it is followed by the installation of a confiscation sign and security measures against the asset.

The confiscation activities were carried out by the Attorney General's Office investigator team together with the Jambi High Prosecutor's Office and the Batang Hari District Attorney.

"The confiscation was carried out for the purpose of investigating money laundering cases with predicate crimes, namely corruption in oil palm plantation business activities carried out by PT Duta Palma Group in Indragiri Hulu Regency on behalf of a SD suspect," said Sumedana.

In this case, Surya Darmadi (SD) used a location business permit and a plantation business permit without a forest area release permit from the Ministry of Forestry and without a cultivation right from the National Land Agency and even PT Duta Palma Group until now does not have a forest area release permit. and HGU.

Surya Darmadi has also never fulfilled his legal obligation to provide a partnership pattern of 20 percent of the total managed plantation area as mandated in Article 11 of the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 26 of 2007.

In this case, the state suffered a loss of Rp. 78 trillion.