Location Of The New Capital City, North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan Floods Again

PENAJAM - Floods have again submerged one village and one sub-district in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan (Kaltim). The previous flood submerged 4 sub-districts and one village on Thursday, August 25.

"Today, floods hit two areas in one sub-district, namely Sesulu Village and Waru Village, Waru District," said Plh. Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of PPU Regency I Gusti Putu Agus Dharma in Penajam, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 26.

Actually, he said, flooding in Waru Sub-district had started on Thursday, August 25. But the new data collection was done today.

Floods in Waru Village submerged RT 22 and RT 29 with 107 people affected.

Previously, said Gusti, the BMKG Balikpapan Station issued an early warning, there will be moderate to heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning around 22.00 WITA, while the rain in Waru Village on Wednesday night lasted until 00.10 WITA, causing the water to overflow slowly.

The condition of the water level (TMA) until this afternoon tends to rise, so the team from BPBD is still at the location with all related elements to carry out handling and supply clean water.

"The TMA in RT 22 and RT 29 is currently in the yard with a height of between 30 - 50 cm, while the TMA in the house is between 10 - 30 cm," said Gusti.

As for the flood in Sesulu Village, which hit RT 02 and RT 06, it started early Friday morning, at around 02.00 WITA which submerged 35 houses, namely 15 houses in RT 02 and 20 houses in RT 06.

"The team is still at the location with related elements because the TMA tends to increase, namely the TMA in the yard between 80 cm - 1 meter, while the TMA in the house is on average 30 cm high," said Gusti.*