Drug Cases In Riau Islands From Early 2022: 234 Cases Revealed, 334 Perpetrators Arrested, Economic Motives Are The Most Reasons

KEPRI - At least 234 cases of drug abuse involving 334 suspects were revealed from January to August 2022 by the Riau Islands Regional Police (Kepri).

"We have secured various types of narcotics, namely 125.93 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 15.65 kilograms of dry marijuana, 5,053 ecstasy pills and 50.63 kilograms of cocaine," said Deputy Chief of the Riau Islands Police Brigadier General of Police, Rudi Pranoto. , in Batam, Friday 26 August.

Rudi explained that the perpetrators of drug abuse, most of whom were dealers, used various motives in distributing illicit goods.

"Economic problems are the most reason for perpetrators to become drug dealers," he added.

Deputy Regional Police Chief Rudi added that the disclosure of narcotics abuse cases in the Riau Islands region is a commitment from the Regional Police and the Regional Police of the Republic of Indonesia. "We are serious and firm about eradicating narcotics," he said, according to Antara.

In the future, continued Brigadier General Rudi, the Riau Islands Regional Police and the police in the ranks will continue to increase supervision and prosecution of drug abuse cases.

"In the context of anticipating the entry of narcotics into the Riau Islands region, we all increase supervision at the entrance to international ports and public ports as well as freight forwarding services. So, regular checks are carried out," said Rudi.

The eradication of narcotics in the Riau Islands region also needs the role and support of the community to immediately report to the police if they find any suspected criminal acts of narcotics abuse in their area.

"We cannot act alone, here the role of the community is also very important in the fight against drugs," he added.

Hundreds of suspects in drug abuse cases were snared under Article 114, Article 112, Article 132 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum penalty of death or life imprisonment or a minimum of 10 years and 6 years in prison.