How To Cancel Orders On TikTok Shop, The Steps Are Easy And Don't Take Long Time

YOGYAKARTA - TikTok application is now widely used for online buying and selling activities. There are so many products sold on this short video platform. Have you ever made a purchase on TikTok, but it turns out that the goods you bought were wrong? If that happens, how to cancel an order on TikTok Shop?

Errors in making purchases have been experienced by quite a number of people. Whether it's because the product is wrong, the store is wrong, the size or type of product is wrong, and so on. This purchase error can occur on various online buying and selling platforms, including TikTok. But unfortunately there are still many who don't know how to cancel orders on TikTok Shop.

How to cancel orders on TikTok shops is very easy and does not require a long process, either after the order is paid and before the order is paid. Check out the following steps.

Did you make a purchase error on TikTok Shopping, but the order hasn't been paid yet? If you're experiencing it, here's how to cancel the order:

How, how to cancel an order on the TikTok Shop when it has not been paid is very easy, right? You just need to enter the settings menu, cancel and fill in the cancellation reasons. Don't forget to convey clear and understandable reasons for cancellation.

Have you ever made a purchase error, and have you paid the order? You must really regret it. If you experience that while making a purchase on TikTok Shop, there are several ways to cancel orders.

TikTok Shop hasn't yet introduced a special feature to cancel orders that have been paid for. Therefore, how can you contact the seller. Communicate with the seller and convey your wishes. Seller must get confirmation from TikTok for clear reasons.

Errors when doing online shopping on TikTok can indeed be overcome in several ways. But instead of looking for ways to cancel orders on TikTok Shop, it's better if you avoid purchasing errors.

Here's how to avoid mistakes when shopping online that you must know so you don't regret:

One of the shortages of shopping through an online shop is that we can't see/check the products directly. Therefore, what you have to do is see the description description of the product written by the seller.

Usually the seller will write a complete product description, starting from the type of product, material, size, features, completeness, how to care, advantages, and so on. Make sure the product you will buy is in accordance with your target. Don't let you buy it wrong because you don't read the description of the product carefully.

As customers, we may not fully trust the seller. Moreover, the transaction system is carried out online. But you can still check the level of trust in the seller and the product through the review column.

In this review column, you can see reviews from other customers who buy products at the store. Through customer reviews, you can see how the quality of the product, service, and so on. These references can be your reference so that you don't get the wrong thing to buy goods.

Every professional seller will usually provide an explanation of the return of goods policy. Before making a payment transaction, make sure you read the return of goods policy first.

Knowing the policy of returning goods is important to act on an error in the process of receiving goods. Make sure the return of goods from the seller policy is clear and you can accept it. If you understand and accept the policy, then you will make the purchase process.

That was an explanation of how to cancel orders on TikTok Shop. The method is quite easy and does not take long. But instead of making mistakes and knowing how to cancel it. It's better to avoid mistakes that can occur when shopping online.

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