UK And Norway Donate Micro Drone Black Hornet, Minister Of Defense: Help Ukraine On Battlefield

JAKARTA - Britain and Norway decided to send 850 micro Black Hornet drones to the Ukrainian military, for reconnaissance, target identification and weapons damage assessment in the face of a Russian invasion.

The cost of the 15-centimeter drone will reach 90 million Norwegian krona (9.26 million US dollars), Norway's Ministry of Defense said in a statement, citing The National News Aug. 25.

The provision of the microdrones will be part of a new £54 million ($63.9 million) aid package for Ukraine announced by Boris Johnson in Kyiv on Wednesday.

The Anglo-Norwegian donation answers a call made by the Ukrainian Government last month for the Allies to supply thousands of multi-purpose and commercial unmanned aerial vehicles.

"Norway and Britain remain determined to work hand in hand with Ukraine," said British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace.

Black Hornet micro drone. (Wikimedia Commons/Corporal Daniel Wiepen)

"This state-of-the-art drone will help give Ukrainian troops a vital advantage on the battlefield, as they fight to defend their country against Putin's brutal and unprovoked invasion."

Drones are an increasingly valuable commodity on both sides of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, with Iran reportedly poised to deliver for Moscow.

It is known, the Black Hornet microdrone was first used by British troops in Afghanistan. The drone can fly at night for up to 25 minutes, with a range of about two kilometers and a top speed of about 18 kilometers per hour.

Resembling a helicopter, its rotors rotate silently, its three cameras capable of capturing images of its surroundings in high definition.

"The donations require a new direction in how western countries support their cause. Until now we and our allies have mostly contributed from our own stocks," said Norwegian Defense Minister Bjorn Arild Gram.

Receiving this assistance, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense via its Twitter account thanked Boris Johnson.