PSI Asks Anies Baswedan To Take Action To Resolve The Split Of Two Gangs In The DKI Provincial Government

JAKARTA - The chairman of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, asked Governor Anies Baswedan to immediately act to resolve the split between two gangs within the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government.

This dualism was previously explained by the chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. The polemics are the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta, Marullah Matali and the Assistant to the Government of the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta, Sigit Wijatmoko.

"I hope that the Governor (Anies) as the highest leader can bring order to the issue of divisions within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's staffing body," Anggara told reporters, Thursday, August 25.

According to Anggara, Anies must resolve the polemics that occurred with his subordinates before his term of office ends in October. Because, if not, this dualism will make it difficult for the Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI who will work in 2022-2024.

"It must be immediately clarified and resolved by Mr. Anies before the end of his term of office. Do not let the Acting Governor be troubled because of this," said Anggara.

Furthermore, Anggara believes that such a situation should be anticipated with transparent and fair recruitment and filling of positions.

"We have to evaluate the recruitment process for our officials. These camps started with nepotism for filling positions. Implement a meritocratic system without exception. Strengthen the talent pool system and performance-based appreciation," he said.

Previously, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, revealed that currently there are two divisions within the ASN ranks under the leadership of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

Prasetyo said that the two divided gangs included a group of ASN graduates from the Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN), formerly known as STPDN, and a general group.

"Now there is a dilemma in the executive government, they already have these gangs, namely the STPDN gang and the general gang," said Prasetyo in the PDIP Faction room at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building.

Prasetyo said that the two camps in Anies' ranks are DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Marullah Matali and DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Government Assistant Sigit Wijatmoko, who is an IPDN graduate.

Currently, Prasetyo sees that Sigit does not seem to respect Marullah as a regional official with a higher rank than him.

"Now the regional secretary is not respected by assistants. It's like there is a shadow regional secretary, his name is Sigit. In this case, how do you want to go, this is called government?" said Prasetyo.