Consumption Of Subsidized Solar In North Sumatra Until July Reaches 66 Percent, Pertalite 71 Percent

JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional North Sumatra (Sumbagut) noted that the consumption of subsidized diesel fuel in North Sumatra until July 2022 has reached 66 percent of the total annual distribution quota.

The average daily consumption of Bio Solar reached 3,377 kiloliters (KL) per day, this consumption figure increased compared to July 2021, which reached 3,036 KL per day (yoy).

Meanwhile, Pertalite touched 71 percent of the total annual distribution quota.

The average daily consumption reached 4,606 KL per day, an increase compared to July 2021 which reached 3,528 KL per day (yoy).

"The resilience of the bio-diesel stock at the Medan Group Integrated Terminal is very good, reaching 18 days, so people don't need to worry that this figure does not include the current stock in refineries and ships," said Acting Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional North Sumatra, Agustiawan in a statement to the media, Wednesday, August 24.

Agustiawan added, Pertamina always ensures the supply of fuel goes well in line with the increase in economic activities that occur in the North Sumatra Province.

Education and socialization related to the use of BBM is right on target and according to its designation.

"We note that there has been an increase in consumption of Bio Solar and Pertalite fuel products, increased community mobility, and the improving conditions for the COVID-19 pandemic are some of the reasons for the increase in demand," he said.

Users of subsidized diesel have been regulated in Presidential Regulation no. 191 of 2014.

The maximum purchase rules for subsidized diesel have also been regulated through the Decree of the Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) No. 04/P3JBT/BPH Migas/Kom/2020.

In addition, based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 37.K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022, Pertalite products are designated as a special type of fuel for assignment or JBKP.

Pertamina has set sanctions for distributors who are proven to be selling/misusing subsidized fuel that are not on target.

The sanction is in the form of suspension and termination of distribution of subsidized products in accordance with a certain time span until the termination of cooperation.

"We hope that the public will be able to buy fuel according to the designation and specifications of the vehicle. Thus, subsidized fuel can be accessed by people who really have the right in accordance with applicable regulations," concluded Agustiawan.