Facebook Sues Turkish Citizens Who Clone The Instagram Platform

JAKARTA - Facebook sued a citizen from Turkey, Ensar Sahinturk, for cloning systems and platforms belonging to Instagram. The lawsuit has been filed by Facebook in a Turkish court.

Launching TechCrunch, Instagram clones are known to be in the form of a website. In fact, more than 100,000 Instagram accounts have been copied and will be moved to the Instagram clone website.

"Sahinturk uses automatic software to retrieve public profiles, photos and videos from more than 100,000 Instagram accounts without permission and this violates our policies," said Facebook in its official statement, Friday, November 20.

Facebook considers Sahinturk's move to clone the Instagram system and network as an incorrect way. Especially cloning Instagram user data secretly without the knowledge of the account owner.

"Then he also published the data on the cloning site, where anyone could enter their Instagram username to view the profile, picture, video, story, hashtag and location linked to the account," wrote Facebook.

In its lawsuit, Facebook also stated that a number of other counterfeit websites had been discovered since November last year. Some of them use names similar to Instagram, such as jolygram.com, imggram. com, imggram.net, finalgram.com, pikdo.net and ingram.ws.

Facebook also asks its users to be careful with cloned sites that resemble Instagram. Some of them even look not much different from Instagram by displaying profiles, photos, videos, stories to other user account information.

So far, Facebook has taken strong legal steps to block websites that clone its systems and platforms. Not only that, Facebook has also disabled 30,000 fake Instagram accounts circulating on its platform.