Governor Of South Sulawesi To Thousand Volunteers: With Synergy We Can Face COVID-19

MAKASSAR - A thousand volunteers from the COVID-19 Task Force in South Sulawesi (Sulsel) attended a training program. These volunteers consist of representatives from sub-districts to community organizations.

"There are four materials provided in this training program, namely material on adaptation of new habits, material on the spirit of volunteering and volunteer instruments, material for effective communication during the pandemic and the last is material on local issues, namely Trisula and Covid-19 Tourism Ambassador," he said. Head of the Covid-19 Task Force Volunteer Coordination Division Andre Rahadian, Friday, November 20.

Meanwhile, BNPB Deputy for Prevention and Preparedness Lilik Kurniawan, explained the importance of health protocols, namely 3M wearing masks, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds.

"We all both know that it is not known when COVID-19 will end, at least until a cure and vaccine is found. What we can do now is adapt to implementing 3M, namely wearing masks, keeping your distance and avoiding crowds. Looks simple, but in reality there are still many obstacles in the field, "said Lilik.

Lilik said one of the best steps to deal with this pandemic is to create behavior change agents through volunteers. This is done through the material provided in the volunteer training that is currently taking place in South Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, the Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah said in his remarks that involvement and synergy had a significant role in controlling the corona virus. The volunteers, it is hoped that they can help medical personnel by providing socialization and education to the community.

"For example, if volunteers are able to encourage the use of masks up to 90 percent, of course we can achieve a very big change in terms of reducing the number of exposure," he said.

"It is hoped that with the increasing number of volunteers, the public can pay more attention to health protocols. With synergy, we can deal with COVID," continued Nurdin.

Form of training, training 15 liaison officers (LO) and 30 facilitators. The total number of participants in the volunteer training program is 1000 people with 200 volunteers attending the training every day.

The training participants were representatives of volunteers from 47 sub-districts from three districts / cities and 16 community organizations in South Sulawesi.