Attending The Plenary Session Of The Association Of Economics Scholars, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin The Vice President Conveys Four Ideas To Realize Economic Justice

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin conveyed four ideas to realize economic justice, which is the mandate inherited from the nation's founders enshrined in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

In his remarks at the XXII Indonesian Economic Bachelors Association (ISEI) Plenary Session and the 2022 ISEI National Seminar in Jakarta, Wednesday, he emphasized that in order for economic justice to be realized, Indonesia's economic progress should not create inequality and inequality in society.

"A sharp and deep idea is needed so that economic resources can be utilized to support this goal," said the Vice President in a press release received by Antara, Wednesday, August 24.

He conveyed that the use of resources to realize economic justice can be done through four concrete steps.

First, establishing supply and supply chains for basic needs so as not to cause supply disruptions at the grassroots. The Vice President assessed that the most basic economic stability is marked by ensuring the basic needs of the community, especially food.

Second, designing an effective fiscal and monetary policy mix, in which prudence in formulating fiscal and monetary policies in maintaining macroeconomic and financial sector stability is an important step to prevent crisis risks.

By being careful in formulating the policy mix, the Vice President hopes to be able to take sides with the national interest and be sensitive to the lower middle class.

Third, strengthen innovation and digitalization to encourage inclusive economic growth. By strengthening innovation and digitalization in the long term, it is hoped that it can reach community groups in all corners of Indonesia which can reduce economic inequality.

Fourth, to encourage equity, among others, by promoting cooperative businesses, limiting land tenure, access to capital for MSME actors, BUMN control over production branches that are important to the state, and rural industrialization based on local resources.

The Vice President advised all ISEI members who were present at the national seminar to continue to carry out their functions as economic experts in realizing Indonesia's big goal, namely equitable distribution of economic justice throughout the country.

“ISEI, whose members are economic thinkers spread across various institutions, certainly plays a vital role in presenting fresh ideas in managing a stronger national economy. I hope that through this 2022 National Seminar, ISEI can give birth to bright thoughts and have useful values for inclusive and dignified national economic development in the future,” said the Vice President.