Puan Maharani's Political Safari: Tips For PDIP To Seek Sympathy, To Win Coalition

JAKARTA - The warm embrace of Nasdem Party Chairperson Surya Paloh when welcoming PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani on her first political safari gave a strong impression that the two parties were ready to form a coalition in the 2024 General Election. They embraced each other, and Puan looked happy. The atmosphere created is very harmonious, more like a family gathering.

Even after the meeting, Puan joked, "This is not just a meeting between political parties, PDIP and Nasdem, but a senior, an old man, an uncle who entertains his nephew."

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) conducted its first political safari to meet the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh at the Nasdem Tower on Monday (22/8).

According to Puan, there was no particular reason why Nasdem was the first party she visited in the first PDIP political safari.

“Incidentally, the Nasdem office is behind my mother's house. So, it takes 10 minutes from my mother's house to get here," he said.

Puan Maharani and Surya Paloh agreed to hold a follow-up meeting as an assessment of political attitudes in preparing for the 2024 General Election. (Antara)

What is certain, said Puan, is that in accordance with the assignment of the National Working Meeting, she has a mandate from the General Chairperson of the PDIP Megawati to visit not only the Nasdem Party, but also all general chairmen of political parties.

It is an assessment to open a space for communication. However, building Indonesia must be together.

Surya Paloh agrees. The two political parties, Nasdem and PDIP are nationalist parties that have an important role in the political world of the country.

“The life and death of a country's journey is largely determined by the extent to which the ranks of nationalism can maintain their position, role and existence. Not only for one or two stages of the next general election, but far from it for all time in the life of this nation called the Republic of Indonesia," said Surya Paloh.

Surya Paloh also joked in response to Nasdem's support for Puan as a presidential candidate.

"Personally, I can't forbid Mbak Puan to come forward," he said.

The results of the National Working Meeting of the Nasdem Party did place Ganjar Pranowo along with two other figures as presidential candidates, but politics is dynamic.

Puan Maharani's arrival on the first PDIP safari at the Nasdem Tower to meet the General Chair of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh on August 22, 2022. (VOI/Wardhany Tsa Tsia)

"I came here, Mbak Puan, I also took a look. Ms. Puan, check has a check, apparently her nephew too. So let's see what happens next. I've found this when it's not on the radar," he said.

Furthermore, the two figures agreed to hold a follow-up meeting.

"This is the first meeting, but we agree it will not be the last meeting. How to build the nation and state together, how to establish communication and synergy towards the 2024 election, so that unity and integrity can continue as an Indonesian nation," said Puan.

"In sha Allah, the cooperation that can be built between the two parties can work concretely in carrying out Bung Karno's aspirations in the future. What we talked about earlier, of course, is solely to build a Greater Indonesia which is truly Greater. It means, whatever the decision in political dynamics, we must agree, when we have to compete, when to side by side. It is only for welfare and for the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia," Puan added.

PDIP Hasn't Formed a Political Coalition yet

When referring to the political parties that have seats in parliament at this time, it is only PKS, the Democratic Party, Nasdem and PDIP that have yet to determine the direction of the coalition for the 2024 election.

Golkar, PAN, and PPP have signed a memorandum of understanding for the United Indonesia Coalition on June 4, 2022. Gerindra and PKB have even declared the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition for the 2024 Presidential Election on 13 August.

At the moment of the wedding of Anies Baswedan's daughter at the end of last July, the Chairperson of the Nasdem Party Surya Paloh, the Chairperson of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), and the former President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) who is now deputy chairman of the party's shura assembly, Sohibul Iman. sit at a table.

“They talked about everything, including a short talk about the possibility of a coalition. It will only be discussed lightly," said the Coordinator of the Spokesperson for the Democratic Party DPP, Herzaky Mahendra in his statement on July 30.

However, until now, the three parties seem to be still watching and waiting for the right moment to determine the direction of the coalition. Now, with Puan Maharani coming to Nasdem Tower on the PDIP political safari, will the coalition plan of the three parties continue? Moreover, in its journey, PDIP is always 'opposite' with PKS and the Democratic Party.

Illustration of the 2024 Election. It is still too early to predict the steps of political parties in the 2024 election contestation. Politics remains dynamic, of course there will be many surprises. (Between)

The Executive Director of Indonesia Review, Ujang Komarudin, assessed that Nasdem had not yet determined the direction of its coalition. However, it is clear that the presence of PDIP did not make Nasdem simply leave the Democratic Party and PKS. If you want to be an anchor, Nasdem must be able to embrace all parties and groups.

“If later dragged into the flow of PDIP, Nasdem will also lose because it is only a follower. In fact, Nasdem wants to be the king maker or determinant," said Ujang to VOI, Tuesday (23/8).

The world of politics is very dynamic, nothing is uncertain. Anything can happen, especially when it is still in the early stages of predicting the steps of politicians.

"There will probably be more surprises. About the coalition is not certain, maybe yes or no. It depends on the political interests of each," added Ujang.

PDIP and Nasdem can build a coalition axis if the interests of the two political parties meet. For example, one of the three names for the presidential candidate as a result of the National Working Meeting of the Nasdem Party is compared with Puan Maharani as her running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

“But is it possible that PDIP will nominate Puan as a vice presidential candidate? Meanwhile, PDI-P is the winning party. Has the highest number of seats in the current parliament. But yes, everything is still dynamic. We'll see," added Ujang.

In accordance with the presidential threshold, the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs are proposed by political parties or a combination of political parties participating in the general election who meet the requirements for obtaining seats of at least 20 percent of the total seats in the DPR, or obtaining 25 percent of the nationally valid votes in the previous DPR elections.

That means that even without a coalition, the PDIP is able to nominate a president and vice president in the 2024 election. This is because the PDIP has 22.3 percent or 128 seats in the DPR.

The following is the data of the party holding seats in the DPR at this time:

PDIP 128 seats (22.3%) Golkar 85 seats (14.8%) Gerindra 78 seats (13.6%) Nasdem 59 seats (10.3%) PKB 58 seats (10.1%) Democrat 54 seats (9, 4%) PKS 50 seats (8.7%) PAN 44 seats (7.6%) PPP 19 seats (3.3%)