First Lady Iriana Jokowi: Now Is The Right Time For Young Entrepreneurs

JAKARTA - First Lady, Iriana Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the COVID-19 pandemic is the right time for young people to participate in building and advancing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. This opportunity, must be used properly. One of them is by digitizing UMKM.

Iriana explained, with the digitization of MSMEs, it is increasingly recognized by the international community. Thus, Indonesian MSMEs will progress and move up in class. Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more MSMEs have emerged with various innovations and creativity.

"Now is the perfect time for young Indonesians to become entrepreneurs, to build and raise MSMEs. Helping to create jobs for the community, as well as encouraging the economy to move us back," he said, at the Opening of Indonesian Creative Works session III, Friday November 20.

At present, said Iriana, MSMEs are getting more and more rapid and diverse, this good development must be utilized as well as possible. You do this by starting to prepare, adjusting and improving the quality of MSME products so that they fit the needs of the global market.

"We must immediately adjust and prepare ourselves to improve the quality of branding products, packing, service and prices. So as not to be less competitive with products from other countries," he explained.

In addition, said Iriana, the use of digital platforms such as social media is considered very necessary to be used to promote UMKM products.

"The use of digital platforms is very promising because the number of Indonesian children is very, very large. They are used to technology so they quickly adapt. Their network of friends is also very wide, which is captured through social media interactions," he said.

The government, said Iriana, is also very supportive by providing facilities for young people who want to build MSMEs. Therefore, he asked young people not to be afraid to start a business if they have creative ideas.

"We encourage and create an entrepreneurial culture among young people as a new economic force that is ready to go global or go global, bringing the name of Indonesian products to be increasingly in demand by the international market," he said.