From Just Street Lights, A Lot Of Data Can Be Extracted By The West Bangka Regency Government

JAKARTA - The West Bangka Regency Government, Bangka Belitung Islands has developed a digital application-based public street lighting management system (PJU).

"This innovation is an initiative from the PJU management team to facilitate the presentation of PJU data and information, carry out maintenance or repairs and determine plans for placing new installation locations," said Head of the Housing, Settlement and Transportation Agency of West Bangka Regency, Hanson Riyadi, Tuesday, August 23, as quoted from the statement. Between.

Innovation in the form of applications that contain light data is getting neater using the google maps application. Initiated since 2020 and followed up with the preparation of initial data related to the location and condition of the street lighting owned. At the same time collecting data on the need for street lighting spread throughout the West Bangka Regency.

This data collection uses a "global positioning system" (GPS) which is then processed and then entered into the Google Maps application so that a map of the location of PJU lights that have or has not been installed can be obtained.

"With this innovation, it will make it easier to determine the location for the next PJU lamp installation, of course, by staying in order of priority," he said.

Hanson added that the innovations carried out also involved community participation by actively reporting damaged street lights.

Through this application, reports from the public will be immediately followed up with handling by the PJU management team.

"The data generated by the application is in the form of visual data or digital maps as well as the coordinates of the distribution of PJU locations that can be accessed easily via Android or iOS-based devices," he said.

With the improved management of PJU lights, the West Bangka Regency Government believes that it will greatly support safety on public roads, reduce the risk of accidents and crime, increase economic activity at night, and can be used as basic data in regional development planning.

To date, there are 681 units of PJUs that have been registered in West Bangka Regency, 397 units of PJUs that have not been digitally processed and 284 units of PJUs that have not been digitally processed with locations spread across all sub-districts.

It is planned that in 2023 there will be an additional 700 units of street lamps sourced from the DAK plus additional plans from the results of the DPRD recess which will be directly digitized at the time of installation.

"The installation of new lights has been allocated to the road from Tanjungular Port to Mentok City, completing the lighting needs in the center of the economy and several disaster-prone locations," said Hanson.