Agus Rahardjo Becomes Expert Advisor To The Chief Of Police For Corruption Handling

JAKARTA - After retiring as chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Agus Rahardjo is now an expert advisor to the National Police Chief General Idham Azis in the field of corruption prevention.

According to the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters, Brigadier General (Pol) Argo Yuwono, the appointment of Agus as an expert staff to the National Police Chief has gone through an analysis process.

"Yes, all of them have used analysis and evaluation from the leadership of the National Police," Argo told reporters at the Ministry of Defense Building, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 23.

Argo said that from the results of the analysis, the National Police Chief chose the best people to provide input to him. "So (Kapolri) chose great people to accompany him for the benefit of this nation," said Argo.

The National Police Chief has appointed 17 people as a team of experts who will provide input. This appointment is contained in the Chief of Police's Decree Number: Kep / 117 / I / 2020 concerning the Inauguration, Dismissal of, and Appointment of the Chief of Police's Expert Advisory Position.

Apart from Agus, Indrayanto Seno Adji was also appointed as an expert advisor to the Chief of Police in the field of law. Meanwhile, in the field of human rights, the National Police Chief chose three names, namely Hendardi, Nur Kholis, and Ifdhal Kasim.

Furthermore, the National Police Chief also appointed Indria Samego as an expert advisor to the National Police Chief in the field of political science, Chaerul Huda in the field of criminal law, Fachry Aly in the field of sociology, Muradi in the field of security and politics, Hermawan Sulistyo in the field of politics.

Idham also appointed Sisno Adiwinoto as an expert advisor in the field of police science, Adi Indrayanto in the field of information technology, Fahmi Alamsyah in the field of public communication, Refly Harun in the field of state administration, Wildan Syafitri in the field of economics, and Andy Soebjakto Molanggato in the field of youth movements. Finally, to fill the position of expert advisor in the field of social media, the National Police Chief appointed Rustika Herlambang.