Sri Mulyani Brings Good News, Village Funds Successfully Reduce The Number Of Underdeveloped Villages From 14,074 To 5,333

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that the distribution of Village Funds by the government had succeeded in reducing the number of villages with very underdeveloped status, from 14,074 villages in 2018 to 5,333 villages in 2021.

"The government pays attention to progress and poverty alleviation in villages," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani at the DPR RI Plenary Meeting in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 23.

Not only villages with very underdeveloped status, he said, this Village Fund was also able to reduce the number of villages with disadvantaged status, namely based on data from the Developing Village Index in 2021, there were 15,935 underdeveloped villages, down from 33,339 villages in 2018.

Sri Mulyani emphasized that the decrease in the number of villages with the status of being very underdeveloped and the underdeveloped villages was proof of the positive impact of the Village Fund for village progress.

He said the government would always pay attention to the progress and alleviation of poverty in the village through the distribution of this Village Fund.

Meanwhile, based on data from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) in the 2021 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) audit, the realization of Village Fund distribution until the end of 2021 reached Rp71.85 trillion.

The realization of the Village Fund distribution was 99.8 percent of the ceiling of Rp. 72 trillion and an increase of 1.06 percent (yoy) or Rp. 0.75 trillion compared to the previous year.