Sri Mulyani Responds To The Views Of The DPR Faction On The 2021 State Budget Accountability Bill

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani today became the government's representative to respond to the views of the DPR faction on the 2021 State Budget Bill (RUU).

In his presentation, the Minister of Finance said that during the past year there was an economic growth of 3.6 percent and became an important milestone in achieving recovery.

"However, this figure does not reflect an even performance throughout the year because in the first quarter it was still negative close to 0 percent, the second quarter jumped high and the third quarter slumped again due to the COVID-19 delta variant," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta when attending the Plenary Session, Tuesday, August 23.

According to the Minister of Finance, this condition illustrates the situation of uncertainty in the pandemic, especially when the government imposes emergency PPKM social restrictions.

"On the other hand, our GDP has managed to increase by 8.6 percent from IDR 57.3 million per capita in 2020 to IDR 62.2 million per capita in 2021," he said.

Furthermore, the state treasurer expressed his appreciation to the PKB Faction, Nasdem Faction, Democratic Faction, and PAN Faction who encouraged the government to control COVID-19 so as to maintain the momentum of economic recovery.

Then, the Minister of Finance also said that the government shared the same view as the PDIP Faction, Golkar Faction, Nasdem Faction, and the Democratic Faction to support the APBN in the main priority of saving the community in a pandemic emergency situation.

"In response to the views of the Gerindra Faction, PKB Faction, Democratic Faction and PKS regarding ratios, stimulus and other taxes, we can convey that the tax ratio is influenced by various national and global issues. Then in 2021 the government will also continue the policy of providing stimulus in the PC-PEN program considering that the economy is still relatively fragile with a more selective sector coverage," he said.

Then, the Minister of Finance explained the order in line with the input from the PDIP Faction, Golkar Faction, Nasdem Faction, and the Democratic Faction which focused on national priority programs so that they could have a positive effect on the community. It is said that a number of programs include agriculture, plantations, fisheries, MSMEs, and cooperatives.

“The government is trying to support these sectors to help the economy recover from the blow of the pandemic. The government also agrees with the Gerindra faction and the PKS faction regarding transfers to regions with the aim of moving the economy in the regions," he said.

“The government welcomes the responses and views of the DPR factions regarding the Bill on Accountability for the Implementation of the 2021 State Budget at a later stage according to the schedule that has been set. Let us work together to restore the Indonesian economy and improve welfare, and complete the reform agenda. Recover faster, get up stronger, "concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.