While Watching The Online Lottery Game, The Factory Security Guard Was Arrested By The Tanjungmutiara Police Of West Sumatra
SUMBAR - While playing dark toto (togel) online at the security post, PT Mutiara Agam's security guard with the initials HZ (54) was arrested by the Tanjungmutiara Police, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).
Tanjungmutiara Police Chief AKP Darman said HZ was secured from the company's security post located in Jorong Ujuang Labuang Timur, Nagari Tiku Lima, Jorong, Monday, August 22 at around 14.05 WIB.
"We have secured the suspect and evidence at the Tanjungmutiara Police Headquarters for further processing," he said in Lubukbasung, Agam, West Sumatra, Tuesday, August 23.
Darman said that his party secured the suspect's cellphone and an online gambling account on the Asep Togel site with the account name Hamzah68 as evidence. Including one sheet of ATM receipt as proof of deposit for Rp. 115,475.
He added that the resident of the PT Mutiara Agam Palm Oil Mill Housing Complex, Jorong Ujuang Labuang Timur, was arrested thanks to reports from the public.
He along with the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Aipda Cendri Nialdi and members immediately carried out an investigation into the field to ensure the truth of the information.
Arriving at the scene of the case, based on the Antara report, the perpetrator and evidence were found in the form of a mobile phone unit that had an online gambling account on the Asep Togel site with the account name Hamzah68.
When checking the account, it was seen that the money transaction data amounted to Rp. 115,475 and the transaction of installing Togel numbers five times.
"The suspect is threatened with Article 303 of the Criminal Code or Article 27 paragraph (2) of the ITE Law in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (2) of Law 19 of 2016 with a maximum threat of 10 years in prison," he said.
He added that the arrest of this suspect is a form of the Tanjungmutiara Police's seriousness in eradicating gambling practices in the jurisdiction of the Polsek.
This is done, of course, to realize Tanjungmutiara District which is civil and free from all public diseases, especially gambling practices.
In addition, the arrest of this security guard is also proof of the seriousness of the police, especially the Agam Police and other ranks in eradicating gambling practices that are completely indiscriminate.
"Therefore, for people who still practice gambling, stop now, it is better for the money to be given to the wife's children than to be used to play gambling," he said.
From the data from the Agam Police Criminal Investigation Unit, from August 1-21 2022, nine cases of gambling have been revealed, with details of six cases from the Resort Police and three cases from the Sector Police with a total of 23 suspects.