Members Of The TNI And Polri Baku Hits In Jayawijaya, Families Of Seriously Injured Victims Go To Police Headquarters

PAPUA - The family of Pratu Hiron Paragai, a victim of abuse by Brimob members, came to the Jayawijaya Police Headquarters on Monday, August 22. They demand justice for what happened to their family members.

Jayawijaya Police Chief AKBP Hesman Napitupulu said the family of the 1702/Jayawijaya Kodim member asked for clarification on the chronology of the persecution that befell Pratu Hiron.

"The family asked about the chronology of the incident but we can't answer it because it's still being investigated and it's better than the highest leadership (Propam and POM) who explained it," he said in Wamena, Papua, Tuesday, August 23.

At the meeting which was also attended by the Chief of Police, Dandim 1702 and local Brimob officials, the family asked the non-organic Brimob members suspected of being perpetrators of the persecution to be withdrawn from Jayawijaya.

"Regarding the request that Brimob be withdrawn from Wamena, they are also here to work on state security duties. They work because they have a duty," said Hesman.

The police chief confirmed that the case of abuse between the security forces had been handled by the Papua Regional Police Propam.

"Propam while there are five people. They work professionally according to their respective duties in terms of deepening," he said.

The TNI and Polri leaders in Jayawijaya have committed to maintaining the situation so that the problem does not continue to be maintained.

"It means that we keep the situation better and also don't make people feel restless," he said.

In this incident, four members of the TNI and Polri were injured. Two of them are members of the Jayawijaya Kodim and two are members of the Jayawijaya Police.

Of the four members, it was Pratu Hiron Paragai who reportedly suffered serious injuries and is still being treated.